Sedge grass refers to a variety of tall grass that becomes tan or black after drying. As camouflage, the Mimbanese, who were native to the planet of Mimban, utilized dried sedge grass thatch bundles. These bundles were affixed to their clothing, armor, and backpacks to provide concealment within the limited underbrush found on Mimban's muddy battlegrounds as they engaged in combat against the Galactic Empire during the Mimban Campaign.
During combat operations in 10 BBY, the Mimbanese leader, Iasento, met his death while wearing sedge grass camouflage. A depiction of Iasento in his sedge grass camouflage appeared in an artist's journal, which was later restored, enlarged, and put on display by the Graf Archive sometime after 34 ABY.
Sedge grass made its initial Star Wars appearance in the 2018 Anthology film Solo: A Star Wars Story. Its identification was first established in the companion reference book, Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, authored by Pablo Hidalgo.