
Sharn held a high rank within the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry. She was the second-in-command of the _Braha'tok_-class gunship called Apailana's Promise, which provided escort for the 61st's CR90 corvette, the Thunderstrike. During 3 ABY, Sharn was present at a gathering where Imperial defector Everi Chalis unveiled a new campaign for the 61st, targeting various Imperial facilities, including Kuat Drive Yards. Throughout the meeting's discussions, Sharn silently shook her head and, when Chief Medic Von Geiz inquired about her objection to a voice vote on the plan, she committed the gunship's support to the 61st.


Sharn served aboard the Braha'tok-class gunship Apailana's Promise (left), the escort to the CR90 corvette Thunderstrike.

Sharn was a highly ranked member of the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry during the Galactic Civil War. Only a few individuals held higher positions, including Captain Micha Evon, Lieutenant Sairgon, and Commander Paonu. Furthermore, she was the second-in-command of the Braha'tok-class gunship Apailana's Promise, the escort vessel for the company's CR90 corvette, the Thunderstrike. In the year 3 ABY, while both starships underwent repairs on the planet Ankhural, Sharn attended a meeting organized by First Sergeant Hazram Namir and the rebel operative Everi Chalis, a former Imperial governor. During this meeting, Chalis presented Operation Ringbreaker, a proposed campaign that aimed to target less-defended Imperial locations along the Rimma Trade Route to draw forces away from Kuat Drive Yards, which was the ultimate objective.

Following Chalis's presentation, Sharn and the other attendees were given the opportunity to discuss the new plan. While others debated or asked questions, Sharn remained in the corner, silently shaking her head. The Besalisk Gadren requested Chalis to leave and asked Namir if he supported the plan. The First Sergeant confirmed his support, and Gadren agreed with him. Chief Medic Von Geiz questioned the need for a formal vote on Operation Ringbreaker, asking Sharn for her thoughts on a voice vote. Sharn deferred the decision to Geiz and Namir, pledging the support of the Apailana's Promise. Eventually, the vote was in favor of the operation.

Personality and traits

Instead of participating in the discussions about Operation Ringbreaker after it was proposed, Sharn quietly shook her head. When Geiz inquired about her support for a voice vote, Sharn pledged the support of the Apailana's Promise because the meeting's hosts were in charge of the 61st and, consequently, the company's mission.

Behind the scenes

Sharn made an appearance in the 2015 novel titled Battlefront: Twilight Company, authored by Alexander Freed.

