
Shimia, a celestial body found within the Outer Rim Territories, could be located at coordinates R-17 on the Standard Galactic Grid. This planet was represented within the Galactic Republic's Senate. Furthermore, Mynos III, an agricultural planet situated in the Dalchon sector, existed under its protectorate.

Back in 228 BBY, a trio of representatives from Shimia, specifically Lord Salk accompanied by two secretaries, journeyed to Coruscant—the capital planet of the Republic residing in the Core Worlds. Their purpose was to seek assistance from the Republic's Jedi Order to combat the Nihil marauders who had taken control of Mynos Three. During a briefing held at the Jedi Temple, Jedi Knight Lyssa Votz shared information with her Padawan, Ram Jomaram, regarding the meeting between the representatives from Shimia and the esteemed Jedi High Council.

Shimia was the original homeworld of Bok Askol, a Pacithhip female who was born circa 56 BBY. By the time that the First Order had occupation of Batuu in 34 ABY, the pirate Hondo Ohnaka came into possession of a stolen identity profile belonging to Askol, which made reference to Shimia.

Behind the scenes

Shimia's depiction in the Star Wars Legends continuity.

The initial mention of Shimia within the current Star Wars canon occurred in the Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game, which was a boxed set for Star Wars Roleplaying by Fantasy Flight Games released in 2016. Subsequently, the Star Wars: Datapad app, launched alongside the themed area Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge when it opened to the public at Disneyland Park and Disney's Hollywood Studios in 2019, provided the first visual representation of this celestial body.

Originally, the planet named Shimia was introduced within the Star Wars Legends continuity. Its initial mention was in the 1998 sourcebook titled Alien Encounters, which West End Games published for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The 2006 reference book, The New Essential Guide to Alien Species, written by Ann Margaret Lewis and Helen Keier with illustrations by Chris Trevas and William O'Connor, provided the planet's first visual depiction.

