Shuma Kalamo was a male human jockey. He could be found riding fathiers at the racetrack of the Canto Casino's found within the city of Canto Bight located on the planet Cantonica. Around 34 ABY, Kalamo took part in a fathier race at the racetrack. This event occurred not long before Resistance operatives Finn and Rose Tico freed all of the fathiers housed in the casino's stables. Kalamo's appearance included light skin and a green racing uniform, complete with a helmet.
The character of Shuma Kalamo initially appeared in Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, which premiered on December 15, 2017. While unnamed in the movie itself, his identity was established in Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary. This companion reference book was authored by Pablo Hidalgo and published alongside the film's release.