
Sicko, identified as CT-1127/549, functioned as a clone trooper pilot within the forces of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. This pan-galactic conflict pitted the Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Throughout the war, Sicko took to the skies, piloting an LAAT/i gunship on numerous occasions.


Born on the planet Kamino utilizing the DNA of Jango Fett, a bounty hunter who served as the genetic template for the Kaminoan clone trooper army (a process of Grown), CT-1127/549, also known as Sicko, became a clone trooper pilot for the Galactic Republic. Sicko fought in the Clone Wars, a war that spanned the galaxy from 22 BBY to 19 BBY, against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During one particular space battle against Vulture-class starfighters, Sicko was part of the crew of an LAAT/i gunship, working alongside another clone pilot and two gunners operating the composite-beam pinpoint laser turrets. Together, they successfully destroyed several droid starfighters during the engagement.

Sicko evading fire from Nantex-class starfighters

On another occasion during the war, Sicko flew an LAAT/i gunship above the surface of Geonosis, where he found himself pursued by numerous Geonosian Nantex-class territorial defense starfighters. The starfighters opened fire on the gunship, forcing Sicko to attempt evasion by maneuvering through rock formations.

Personality and traits

Like all clones produced for the Republic, Sicko shared the same genetic origin in the form of the human bounty hunter Jango Fett; consequently, he stood at a height of 1.83 meters (6 ft), possessed a weight of eighty kilograms, and exhibited tan-toned skin.

Skills and abilities

Sicko demonstrated aptitude for spatial reasoning and quick reactions early in his development as a clone trooper, leading to his selection for pilot training.


Sicko's standard gear included Phase I clone pilot armor and an LAAT/i gunship. Being a clone, he had a behavioral modification biochip implanted in him from birth, ensuring compliance with specific orders.

Behind the scenes

Sicko made his debut in the Hotshots and Aces II Reinforcements Pack for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition miniature game, which was launched on November 25, 2022. The character Sicko was initially established within the Star Wars Legends continuity, first appearing in the 2006 novel Republic Commando: Triple Zero, authored by Karen Traviss.


  • Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition — Hotshots and Aces II Reinforcements Pack (First mentioned)

Notes and references
