Skirmish on Risha Synata's ship

A skirmish erupted aboard the starship belonging to the renowned actress, Risha Synata. Synata, a spy in service to the Confederacy of Independent Systems under the command of Count Dooku, hatched a scheme to win his approval. Her plan involved inviting senators hesitant to join the Separatist Alliance and using gas against them to further her aims. Additionally, she manipulated the presentation of her historical plays to curry favor with Dooku. She extended an invitation to Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his wife, Senator Padmé Amidala, to attend one of these performances.

Following their meeting with Synata, the next day saw them visiting Madam Synata's Genius of A Thousand Faces Museum. However, their visit took a dangerous turn when they found themselves surrounded by the actress's mannequins, which had been programmed to attack. The couple fought back, with Skywalker employing his lightsaber to destroy numerous mannequins. They fled through the Endor exhibit, encountering attacking Ewoks, and then navigated the Ando Prime exhibit before reaching a dinner display, all while being pursued by the relentless mannequins. Realizing their predicament, Amidala and Skywalker barricaded themselves inside the dinner display. Amidala located a door, but discovered it was a fake. Her husband then used his lightsaber to cut through it as the mannequins broke in and ran their way. Beyond the fake door lay a secret hallway, which the senator and Jedi Knight used to escape. They eventually reached a banner displaying the Separatist hex icon and concealed themselves behind it. This led them to the bridge of the ship, where a hologram of Count Dooku, the Head of State of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and a Sith Lord, materialized.

R2-D2 grew concerned about the well-being of Skywalker and Amidala, but C-3PO insisted they were safe, even as R2-D2 went to investigate. On the ship's bridge, a pre-recorded hologram message from Count Dooku to Synata began to play. In it, Dooku expressed his gratitude to Synata for her assistance in eliminating Senator Amidala. While navigating a computer, Amidala uncovered evidence that Synata had been altering the historical narratives in her plays to promote the Separatist Alliance's agenda. She also discovered a list of senators who had resisted her attempts to recruit them to the Separatist cause. Synata intended to invite these senators to a performance that evening and release deadly dioxis gas.

However, the actress's LEP-series service droids initiated an attack on the couple. As they defended themselves against the droids, R2-D2 utilized a control panel to gradually override the servant droids' programming. The droids began to cease their assault on the Jedi and the senator, prompting Synata's officers to desperately attempt to rectify the situation as the actress prepared for her play. After overcoming the servant droids, Skywalker and Amidala proceeded to the theater, where Amidala planned to evacuate the audience while Skywalker intended to confront the actress directly.

As Amidala directed the senators to evacuate the theater, Skywalker stealthily made his way backstage and pilfered a mask from one of the actors. Synata, already on stage and wearing her gas mask, gloated at Amidala. The Jedi Knight then challenged Synata, who refused to yield without resistance. They both ignited their lightsabers as the dioxis gas was released. However, Skywalker swiftly evaded and blocked Synata's attacks, ultimately disarming her and compelling her to surrender.


Skywalker and Amidala meet Synata

Upon arriving at Risha Synata's ship, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his wife, Senator Padmé Amidala, relaxed by taking a ride on a personal transport. The route took them past roads adorned with film posters of Risha Synata, set against a backdrop of a forest enclosed by a fence. To flaunt her considerable wealth, gundarks were strategically placed throughout the forest. The couple eventually arrived at the entrance of a ballroom, where a large crowd expressed their disapproval of Synata's arrival. Synata expressed her surprise at seeing the two and invited them to visit the Madam Synata's Genius of A Thousand Faces Museum. Amidala managed to arrange a visit for the following day, but the actress then pushed them aside as they were obstructing her light.

Shortly thereafter, Amidala explained the nature of the museum to a skeptical Skywalker. While she believed it was merely a means for Synata to continue showcasing herself, Skywalker saw it as an opportunity to spend quality time with his wife without worrying about the Jedi High Council discovering their marriage. Amidala relented and agreed.

The next morning, Skywalker and Amidala toured the museum. Each exhibit featured scenes starring Synata alongside her mannequins. Amidala dismissed the historical inaccuracies present in each display. After passing a display of Synata dressed as the Queen of Naboo and one of the Jedi Council, the Yoda mannequins came to life with glowing red eyes. As the couple shared a kiss at the display of the half finished painting of the Varykino, the Yoda mannequin appeared and shouted,"No getting out of it this time, Padmé!" More of the mannequins became alive and Anakin ignited his lightsaber to defend Padmé.


Mannequin attack

Skywalker took down many mannequins

Skywalker and Amidala faced off against the mannequins, and the battle commenced. Amidala engaged the mannequins in hand-to-hand combat, while Skywalker cut down numerous mannequins with his lightsaber. Realizing they needed to relocate, they traversed the Endor exhibit, which was teeming with mannequin Ewoks eager to attack. They also navigated the Ando Prime exhibit, battling through the mannequins. Realizing they were surrounded, they quickly sought refuge in the dinner exhibit. Skywalker held the door shut while Amidala searched for an escape route. She discovered a fake door, which Skywalker promptly destroyed with his lightsaber as the mannequins poured into the dinner display. They managed to gain some time and entered a secret hallway behind the dinner. They progressed down the hallway until they encountered a banner bearing the Separatist hex icon. Behind the banner was the bridge of the ship and a hologram of the Confederacy of Independent Systems Head of State and Sith Lord Count Dooku.

A break in the fighting

In the meantime, R2-D2 and C-3PO were patrolling the hallways, but R2-D2 was concerned for the safety of Skywalker and Amidala and went off to investigate, with C-3PO struggling to keep up. C-3PO eventually conceded and agreed to assist, but remained unconvinced that the couple was in any danger.

Back on the ship's bridge, Amidala played the message sent from Dooku to Synata. Dooku instructed Synata to stage a play as a means of retaliating against Amidala for overshadowing her. Amidala was taken aback by the accusation against her, but Skywalker believed they could exploit the situation to their advantage, as the actress believed they were dead. However, an officer entered and discovered their activities, but the two quickly subdued and tied him up. Amidala then learned that the actress was distorting history in her plays to promote the Separatist Alliance's agenda. She also discovered that Synata had invited all the senators she had been unable to persuade to join the Confederacy to a play that night, where deadly dioxis gas would be released.

Servant droid attack

Realizing they had to intervene, they swiftly exited the bridge and collided with a LEP-series service droid. The droid then turned on the couple and prepared to attack them. Subsequently, officers activated more droids, and they all converged on the Jedi and senator's location.

R2-D2 approached a control panel to gain control of the servant droids, while C-3PO expressed his concern for Skywalker and Amidala. The couple fought off the droids, destroying many of them. However, some of the droids began to cease their attacks on the two. R2-D2 began overriding the programming to attack Skywalker and Amidala, prompting the officers to contact Synata regarding the issue. Synata was displeased that Skywalker and Amidala were resisting the attack but still had plans for them.

The duel

Anakin defeated Synata

R2-D2 successfully managed to halt the droids, and the couple quickly made their way to the theater. They traversed the restaurant and the aquarium en route. Skywalker was to confront Synata backstage, while Amidala evacuated the theater. Upon their arrival, Amidala pushed open the doors and ordered everyone to leave. Meanwhile, Skywalker confronted an actor and took his mask from him. Skywalker confronted her as she made her case against the Galactic Republic and Amidala. Skywalker accused her of manipulation but Synata believed that the Republic did not honor her power. Synata decided to take on the Jedi Knight and drew her red bladed lightsaber as the dioxis gas released in the theater. Skywalker toyed with Synata and quickly dodged her attacks. He quickly disarmed her and ordered for her surrender.


Back at the Jedi Council Chamber, Skywalker and Amidala delivered their report to the Jedi Council. The council was very eager to hear the report that Skywalker brought before them. After finishing with the report, Amidala requested a special audience with the Galactic Senate to determine if their were anymore individuals like Synata.

