Snap rats were a type of rat that inhabited the planet of Tenoo. These creatures possessed gray-toned skin, matching gray fur, brown-colored eyes, and delicate whiskers located beneath their snout. In approximately 232 BBY, Kai Brightstar, a Jedi Initiate, engaged in a chase with a snap rat within the Jedi Temple grounds on Tenoo. Ultimately, he successfully captured the animal and entrusted it to the care of the safari droid named SF-R3, also known as "Aree," for a more secure habitat. During that same year, several snap rats were exhibited at the Creature Stall situated in the Black Spire Outpost found on the world of Batuu.
Circa 232 BBY, Kai Brightstar, who was a Jedi initiate, pursued a snap rat that was escaping across the training field of the Jedi Temple, which resulted in widespread panic and alarm among the other Jedi younglings. He managed to confine the creature inside a crate and subsequently returned it to Aree for a more protected environment, prior to inadvertently releasing a multitude of crystal web spiders into the Jedi Temple on the planet of Tenoo. Around that same time, snap rats, together with other various creatures, were observed being showcased at the Creature Stall located within the Black Spire Outpost on the rocky Batuu.
The initial appearance of a Snap rat occurred in "A Sticky Situation," the second segment of the eighth episode, simultaneously with "Lys' Lost Lightsaber," which was the second segment of the tenth episode, of the Disney+ and Disney Junior animated series titled Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures' second season. These episodes were broadcasted on August 14, 2024. Nevertheless, the species received its official identification solely in the former episode. The design of this species originated from the illustrator Steph Laberis, while the character modeler Rolando Ramirez Jr. was responsible for its modeling.