The SolarNova TT-86, a landspeeder model, was manufactured by the Vanguerre Artists' Workshop located on Vanguerre XI. Only six prototypes were ever created by this group before their disbandment just before the Clone Wars began. This vehicle featured a rectangular design, characterized by its rear-mounted, protruding engine on each side. The speeder's seating arrangement placed the pilot and passenger in between these engines. The TT-86's exterior consisted of silver and black chromium-alloy plating, incorporating integrated chromomites. This plating concealed a subtly armored power plant positioned at the front. In 34 ABY, Thandisten Pikalo possessed an original SolarNova TT-86, utilizing it within the city of Canto Bight on the planet Cantonica, a place where most vehicles had undergone various customizations.
The SolarNova TT-86 made its debut in the movie Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, which premiered on December 15, 2017. While the film didn't explicitly name the vehicle, it was identified in both Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary authored by Pablo Hidalgo, and Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Incredible Cross-Sections by Jason Fry; both publications were launched alongside the movie.