Spaceport police droid

The spaceport police droid represented a specific police droid type utilized by various local law enforcement agencies within spaceports throughout the Clone Wars era.


Standing at a height of 1.78 meters, the spaceport police droid was a police droid of the fourth class designation. Their prevalence was notable as automated security measures in deep space facilities, where minimizing organic crew sizes was a deliberate strategy to conserve life support resources. These droids were equipped with RG-4D blaster pistols and operated patrol speeders. Commanding officers within these police droid units were visually distinguished by yellow markings.


During the year 19 BBY, a number of spaceport police droids received a call after the Dathomirian Zabrak, Savage Opress, strangled the waitress, Sassi, at Plop Dribble's, a restaurant situated in Stobar Spaceport. Nevertheless, by the time of their arrival, the Zabrak had already escaped the location. They also served as security droids responsible for patrolling the InterGalactic Banking Clan transfer station located within the Cybloc system.

