Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know

Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know is a reference book published by Dorling Kindersley and is included within the Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens project. Released on September 4, 2015, this 200-page book presents details concerning the Star Wars world, such as identifying the oldest Jedi and listing every owner of the Millennium Falcon.

Although Adam Bray, one of the authors of Ultimate Star Wars, also contributed to this book, the two are considered "very different." According to descriptions, there is "very little common information between the two" since "Absolutely Everything emphasizes unusual, curious, and little-known facts." A follow-up, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded, was released on October 3, 2017.

Publisher summary

Star Wars®: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know delves into the Star Wars universe using dynamic lists, intriguing facts, and engaging Q&A presented through eye-catching infographic designs. From a chart detailing the age of the oldest Jedi to a comprehensive list of all Millennium Falcon owners, or a diagram illustrating Yoda's Jedi students, this guide aims to captivate readers of all ages with previously unknown facts about the Star Wars Galaxy.


While the information contained in this reference is regarded as canon for the Holocron, the book itself includes a disclaimer at the end.

For instance, page 186 mentions Palpatine's execution and cloning of Bevel Lemelisk, which Pablo Hidalgo from the Lucasfilm Story Group has confirmed is not canon.


  • It's stated that Padmé Amidala relinquished her position as ruler of Naboo in 24 BBY. However, the novel Queen's Shadow later indicates that her abdication occurred in 28 BBY. [6]
  • Adi Gallia's homeworld is identified as Coruscant, consistent with Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded. [7] Conversely, Ultimate Star Wars claims Tholoth as her homeworld. [8]
  • It is mentioned that Ahsoka Tano was "almost expelled" from the Jedi Order, when in reality, she was actually expelled for a brief period, as depicted in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "The Wrong Jedi." [9] She is also incorrectly labeled as "a rebel Jedi."
  • Luke Skywalker is incorrectly noted as being nineteen years old when he began training with Yoda, although he was actually twenty-two at that time.
  • The Lucrehulk-class Battleship is said to have a capacity of 139,000 B1-series battle droids, but Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles states a capacity of 329,000. [10]
  • Qui-Gon Jinn is identified as Dooku's first and most renowned apprentice; however, Master & Apprentice indicates that Rael Averross was a Padawan of Dooku before Jinn. [11]



