Episode 10 (Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge)

Episode 10 represents the tenth installment of Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge, a game show for kids that unfolds within the Star Wars universe. This particular episode was initially broadcast on August 5, 2020 via the Star Wars Kids YouTube channel.

Official description

Embark on an adventure with Jedi Master Kelleran Beq (played by Ahmed Best), the witty protocol droid AD-3 (voiced by Mary Holland), and the astromech LX-R5 in Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge. They are there to guide Padawans Sage and Raphael (representing the Blue Team), Quentin and Braden (as the Orange Team), and Zoe and Malayah (forming the Purple Team) as they strive to attain the esteemed rank of Jedi Knights!

Plot summary


The episode begins with an introductory speech given by Jedi Master Kelleran Beq, who explains that the Jedi Knights have served as guardians of peace and justice across the galaxy for countless generations. He states that the three Padawan teams are tasked with demonstrating their strength, knowledge, and bravery to earn the title of Jedi Knights.

First, we meet best friends Sage, aged 14, and Raphael, aged 12, who make up the Blue Team. Following them are brothers Quentin, 14, and Brayden, 12, representing the Orange Team. Lastly, we are introduced to Zoe and Malayah, both 11-year-old best friends, who form the Purple Team.

Master Beq elucidates that the contestants must successfully complete three distinct trials: strength trials on an unknown planet, knowledge trials on a Jedi star cruiser, and a bravery trial within the Jedi Temple itself, to become Jedi Knights. He questions whether the Jedi Padawans will succumb to the allure of the dark side or maintain their focus on the light side of the Force. He then declares that it is time for them to face their Jedi Temple Challenge.

On a lush, forested planet, Master Beq introduces himself and his trusted droids, AD-3 and LX-R5, to the Padawans. AD-3 emits a welcoming sound, while LX-R5 beeps in agreement. He explains that the Jedi travel throughout the galaxy in search of younglings who possess a strong connection to the Force, like themselves, to train them as the next generation of Jedi Knights.

AD-3 then unveils the Padawans' profiles. Sage shares that she and Raphael are very close friends and have developed excellent communication skills. Raphael confidently states that they are going to win, and Sage concludes with "may the Force be with us." Quentin, the older brother, mentions their competitive nature, while Brayden emphasizes their strong teamwork and chemistry. Brayden believes they will dominate the competition. Zoe states that she and Malayah are very strong, compatible, and know each other extremely well. She and Malayah both declare their intention to win. AD-3 reminds the Padawans of the essential attributes of a Jedi, and the Padawans enthusiastically shout strength, knowledge, and bravery.

Strength Trials

Master Beq reinforces AD-3's statement and introduces the first challenge of the day: the Strength Trials, a Jedi obstacle course that they must conquer to assemble their lightsaber. AD-3 details that the Leap and Lift tests their jumping ability, the Power Pull tests their strength, Saber Stability tests their balance, and the Swing of Strength tests their swinging prowess and overall strength. She explains that each obstacle they complete unlocks a piece of their lightsaber hilt. The first two teams to successfully complete every obstacle and collect all their hilt pieces will advance to the Knowledge Trial, bringing them one step closer to entering the Jedi Temple.

Master Beq asks the Padawans if they are prepared to apply their training. After the Padawans respond affirmatively, he uses the Force to raise the rocks. AD-3 comments that the rocks are up, indicating that it is time to proceed. Master Beq instructs the Padawans to step onto the pedestal before sending them off.

Purple Team begins with the Leap and Lift, where they must retrieve two meiloorun fruits to release their hilt pieces from a wooden enclosure. Master Beq commends Purple Team for acquiring their first set of hilt pieces. Blue Team starts on the Swing of Strength, where one Padawan must swing across a chasm to identify the key hidden within a tree trunk that will unlock the hilt piece. Brayden shouts that it is a square, and Sage swings across to retrieve their piece. Blue Team obtains their first set of pieces. Orange Team tackles the Power Pull challenge, which requires them to pull themselves on a sled to the opposite side to unlock their hilt piece with a token. The two brothers pull themselves across and secure their first set of hilt pieces.

Meanwhile, Malayah retrieves her hilt piece, allowing the two friends to return to the pedestal with their first set of hilt pieces. Purple Team becomes the first team to deliver their first hilt pieces. Elsewhere, Orange Team returns from the Power Pull challenge, while Sage and Raphael return from the Swing of Strength with their first hilt pieces, becoming the second team to deliver their first hilt pieces. Orange Team soon returns with their first set of hilt pieces, evening the score for everyone. AD-3 praises the Padawans for their competitive spirit.

Purple Team moves on to the Saber Stability challenge, which involves navigating over logs, knocking down floating rocks with training sabers, and grabbing their hilt piece before returning to the assembly stone. Zoe encourages Malayah, while Beq praises them for their excellent stability.

Sage attempts to retrieve her hilt piece, while Brayden swings across the chasm to reach his brother Quentin, who instructs him to place their object in the correct position to release the lightsaber hilts. Meanwhile, Purple Team unlocks their second set of hilt pieces. Sage successfully retrieves Blue Team's second set of hilt pieces, earning praise from AD-3, who remarks that she nearly jumped over the Leap and Lift wall. Blue Team takes the lead by becoming the first to return to the assembly table with their hilt pieces.

Quentin and George soon return with their second set of hilt pieces. As Purple Team heads back, the Orange Team enters the Leap and Lift challenge. Raphael unlocks Blue Team's third hilt piece from the Power Pull. As AD-3 provides her running commentary, LX-R5 beeps. Malayah and Zoe soon return with their second hilt pieces, tying the teams, which all have two pieces.

Orange Team soon obtains their third set of lightsaber hilts from the Leap and Lift, while Blue Team enters the Power Pull challenge. Orange Team becomes the first team to return with their third set of hilt pieces, placing them ahead of the other teams.

At the Swing of Strength, Zoe tells Malayah that they are looking for a hexagon. Raphael soon returns with Blue Team's third set of hilt pieces, but Master Beq instructs him to wait for his partner. Meanwhile, Brayden and Quentin obtain their fourth set of hilt pieces from the Saber Stability challenge, while Malayah obtains their token from the tree. After Sage returns, the Blue Team returns to the competition.

Zoe assists Malayah across the chasm, while Orange Team returns with their final hilt pieces to the assembly table. As Orange Team assembles their lightsaber hilts, Blue Team enters the Saber Stability challenge. AD-3 comments on Sage's skill with the training saber, while LX-R5 beeps. Malayah swings back but the two fall, forcing her to make a second return attempt. Orange Team becomes the first to assemble their lightsaber hilts, qualifying them for the next trial.

Master Beq congratulates Orange Team while reminding Blue and Purple Team that they are still in the race. Malayah makes a second attempt to swing back but misses the other side. LX-R5 beeps. Zoe helps her across during the third attempt, with Master Beq praising them for their team work. Purple Team returns with their third pieces before rushing off to their final challenge.

Meanwhile, Blue Team returns with their fourth pieces and begins assembling their lightsaber hilts. Malayah and Zoe enter the Power Pull challenge. Zoe falls from the sled but manages to hold on to the rope. Zoe gets up and heads back to the start. Master Beq encourages them not to give up while AD-3 praises Purple Team for their commitment. Raphael finishes assembling his ligthsaber hilt while Purple Team enters the Power Pull challenge. Sage drops one of her pieces but manages to assemble her lightsaber. Blue Team becomes the second team to complete the challenge.

Master Beq announces that the challenge is complete and tells Purple Team to return to the Jedi platform. He praises Purple Team for their efforts today, telling them that their team work was worthy of the Jedi. He says that they will be back in no time and tells them to head back to the Jedi Order for further training.

In a follow-up video, Zoe says that they are okay even though they lost because they tried their best and that it is all they can do. Malayah says that it actually taught us something and that the next time they will be better.

Meanwhile, Master Beq congratulates the Orange and Blue Teams and asks them if they are ready for the Knowledge trial. The Padawans shout yes. AD-3 says one trial down and two more to go. She tells LX-R5 to hurry up and the droid beeps grumpily in response.

Knowledge Trial

Story time

In the vastness of space, Master Beq extends a warm welcome to Padawans Sage, Raphael, Brayden, and Quentin aboard the Jedi star cruiser Athylia. He inquires whether the Padawans are prepared for their second trial, to which they respond with a resounding yes. He informs them that AD-3 will narrate a story, and they will be presented with questions that require collaboration with their teammates to uncover the answers hidden throughout the Athylia. The first team to correctly answer all five questions will be rewarded with holocrons. He then asks the Padawans if they are ready to listen to their tale.

The Padawans enthusiastically respond in the affirmative, and AD-3 instructs them to buckle up, humorously adding that she was just joking before commencing the story. Jayko was renowned as the most skilled smuggler in the galaxy. His book, A Smuggler's Life, achieved bestseller status in nine different systems. While relaxing in a local cantina with his drum-playing navigation droid, Arch-E, Jayko was enjoying his retirement. Suddenly, a large and imposing figure crashed through the entrance.

"Where is he? Where's Jayko?" the stranger roared.

"Oh no, it's Tan, my former crewmate," Jayko muttered anxiously.

The Gamorrean charged towards Jayko, clutching a copy of Jayko's book in his massive, green hands.

"Perhaps you shouldn't have written about him," Arch-E quipped.

Tan overturned eight tables and sixteen chairs in his attempt to reach Jayko, who managed to escape into the kitchen, seeking refuge behind a stack of pungent blue cabbages and fried womp rats. Tan burst into the kitchen, and Jayko hurled five cabbages at his head, each one bouncing off, causing a pot of red dewback broth to spill onto the floor. Jayko attempted to flee but slipped on the soup, landing awkwardly on his rear.

Tan loomed over Jayko.

"I'm sorry, I should never have written about you," Jayko pleaded. "Please don't hurt me."

"Hurt you? Ha," Tan retorted. "You made me famous, resulting in a holoshow, a book deal, and even a life day song. Would you mind signing a copy of your book for my sister?"

Relieved, Jayko produced a pen. The autograph was the least he could do for his old friend, even if he vowed to never listen to that life day song again.

Question time

Master Beq compliments AD-3, declaring that this is the best story she has ever told. He instructs the Padawans to decide who will take on the role of pilot, responsible for searching for clues in the cockpit, and who will serve as the engineer, tasked with finding clues in the cabin. Raphael and Brayden volunteer as engineers, while Sage and Quentin assume the pilot positions. AD-3 directs them to their respective stations and instructs them to await their questions. She emphasizes the importance of finding the correct answer. Engineers must return the answer to the console, while pilots must select the correct answer in the cockpit. She reminds them that they can communicate via their headsets.

For the first question, Master Beq instructs the engineers to select a tile representing the sixteen objects that Tan knocked over while trying to reach Jayko. He prompts them to choose their tile. Raphael correctly identifies a chair, earning the Blue Team one point.

For the second question, Master Beq asks the pilots the number of systems in which Jayko's book achieved bestseller status. Quentin correctly answers that it was nine systems, awarding the Orange Team one point.

With the two teams tied, Master Beq asks both the pilots and engineers the title of Jayko's book. Quentin locks in first and correctly states that it was A Smuggler's Life. The Orange Team earns a second point, taking the lead.

Master Beq then instructs the engineers to select a tile representing the instrument that Arch-E played. Raphael correctly identifies a drum, earning the Blue Team a second point. The two teams are now tied at two points each.

Master Beq proceeds to ask the pilots the color of the dewback broth. Quentin logs in first and answers that it was red, giving the Orange Team a third point. AD-3 comments that LX-R5's exhaust smells like dewback broth. The astromech droid beeps in protest.

Master Beq then instructs the engineers to select a tile representing the item that Tan wanted Jayko to sign. AD-3 remarks that both teams are quick. Raphael retrieves a book, earning the Blue Team a third point. AD-3 announces that the two teams are tied at three points each.

Master Beq asks everyone who did Tan want an autographed copy of the book for. Sage replies that it was for his sister, gaining Blue Team a fourth point with a lead over Orange Team.

Master Beq then tells the engineers to find an item showing the object that Jayko threw at Tan. Brayden retrieves a tile showing a cabbage, gaining the Orange Team their fourth point. AD-3 reports that the two teams are tied up again and quips that her circuits cannot stand the drama. LX-R5 beeps, prompting AD-3 to respond that he lives for the drama.

Master Beq tells that the team with the next correct answer will move on to the second trial. He asks both the pilots and engineers the name of Jayko's navigator droid. Sage correctly responds that the droid's name was Arch-E.

Master Beq congratulates the Blue Team for completing the Trial of Knowledge. In a follow-up video, Raphael says that we had fun and won. Sage says that she is pretty happy and says they could have done better but that it was cool because they did really well.

Master Beq addresses the Orange Team, telling them that their effort was commendable and the Force was strong with them. Unfortunately, they did not complete the second trial. He tells them that their path to becoming a Jedi Knight is not over but that they will need to continue their training at the Jedi Order.

In a follow-up video, Quentin advises future Padawans about the importance of team work and being on the same page. Brayden says that even if you fail once, you shouldn't give up. He tells them to do their best and keep trying.

Later, AD-3 asks if the Orange Team left and said that she totally spaced out there for a second. LX-R5 beeps while Master Beq awards Padawans Sage and Raphael with two holocrons, which they will need because they are going to the Jedi Temple. AD-3 tells the Padawans to shove their holocrons inside their pouches, saying that it won't break.

Master Beq tells the Padawans to take their seats in the cockpit and that he has entered the coordinates to the Jedi Temple into the navigation system. He and AD-3 tell the Padawans to "punch it" and they lift the hyperspace levers, taking the Athylia into hyperspace. The Athylia approaches a rocky world, orbited by two moons.

Jedi Temple Trial

Standing outside the Jedi Temple, Master Beq congratulates Padawans Sage and Raphael for reaching their final challenge: the Jedi Temple. He emphasizes that this is the culmination of all their training. AD-3 adds that they are on the verge of achieving their goals and encourages them to remain focused. She instructs them to place their new hilts on the Saber Shrine, noting that they are merely pieces of metal until they acquire their kyber crystals. Master Beq affirms AD-3's statement, explaining that the Kyber crystals are the source of power for their blades. He reveals that the Kyber crystals are located within the Temple, awaiting them to unlock them using their holocrons.

Master Beq assures them that he will monitor their progress with the aid of the Force. He cautions them about the allure of the dark side, warning that it will offer an easy path, only to make subsequent challenges more difficult. He urges the Padawans to trust in the Force for guidance. He asks the Padawans if they are ready to complete the Trial of the Temple, and they respond affirmatively. Emphasizing the importance of time, he instructs them to proceed, while AD-3 advises them to exercise caution.

The Padawans ascend the Summit Scramble, leading to the Galaxy Globe, where they must collaborate to match the correct color combination of the flashing orbs on the control panel. Sage and Raphael work together to align the colors of the Galaxy Globe. They then descend the slides into the Garbage Masher, which leads to two separate chambers containing glyph triangles. There, they must cooperate to match the glyph triangles in the correct sequence to unlock the doors.

Raphael seeks guidance from Sage. Sage provides Raphael with instructions regarding the various objects. In a follow-up video, Sage and Raphael recount their difficulties in matching the various shapes in the glyph triangles chamber. As Team Blue works to match the objects, the voice of the dark side attempts to exploit their fears of running out of time, urging them to embrace the dark side to escape. It encourages Sage to press the button and bypass the challenge. Sage guides Raphael, who successfully matches the triangles, much to the dismay of the dark side voice.

The two Padawans complete the Glyph Triangles trial, earning praise from Master Beq for overcoming the dark side. They advance into the Power Core chamber, where they must confront the Slide Switch. This challenge requires them to stand on opposite sides of the table and slide tiles to their corresponding color positions to open the door.

Sage and Raphael work together to match the colored tiles. After several attempts, they unlock the door and climb the Frigid Ridge. After scaling the Frigid Ridge, the two Padawans enter the Bridge of Balance, which requires them to stand on discs to illuminate the path across. Sage goes first and illuminates the bridge for Raphael to cross.

Jedi Knighthood

After traversing the bridge, the two Padawans slide down the slide and use the holocrons to retrieve the kyber crystals from a table. The Padawans then exit the Temple and reunite with Master Beq, AD-3, and LX-R5 at the doorway. AD-3 congratulates the droids, while Master Beq commends their teamwork and determination. He instructs them to place their crystals inside the hilt and the hilts in the shrine.

AD-3 hands them the Jedi robes while admitting that she covets the robes but acknowledges that they wouldn't be her style. LX-R5 beeps, prompting AD-3 to remark that he is trying to act like the fashionista. Master Beq tells the Padawns to ignite their sabers and to take it from the shrine. Both Sage and Raphael wield blue lightsabers.

Master Beq knights them as Jedi Knights by the rite of the Jedi Council and the will of the Force. The voice of Yoda addresses Sage and Raphael, telling them that they are now Jedi Knights who are strong with the Force and keepers of the peace and justice.

In a follow-up video, Sage says that her experience was really cool and says that it was really fun once her adrenaline was rushing. Raphael adds that it was amazing and advises future Padawans to give it their best. Master Beq and AD-3 wishes Jedi Knights Sage and Raphael may the Force be with them.


