Episode 7 (Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge)

The seventh installment of Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge, a game show for kids located in the Star Wars galaxy, is called "Episode 7". It was initially broadcast on the Star Wars Kids YouTube channel on July 15, 2020.

Official description

In Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge, follow Jedi Master Kelleran Beq (Ahmed Best), the witty protocol droid AD-3 (Mary Holland), and astromech LX-R5 as they lead Padawans Taeho and Hana (Blue Team), Kyan and Benji (Orange Team), and Clementine and Oliver (Purple Team) on their journey to become Jedi Knights!

Plot summary


Kelleran Beq, a Jedi Master, begins the episode by stating that the Jedi Knights have served as the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy for thousands of years. Three teams of Padawans must demonstrate their strength, knowledge, and bravery in order to be considered Jedi Knights.

We are first introduced to the Blue Team, which consists of siblings Taeho and Hana. Then comes Kyan and Benji, best friends from the Orange Team. Oliver and Clementine, who have been friends since kindergarten, make up the third team, the Purple Team.

Master Beq outlines the three trials that the contestants must face: strength trials on a faraway planet, knowledge trials aboard a Jedi star cruiser, and a bravery trial inside the Jedi Temple in order to be elevated to the rank of Jedi Knight. He wonders if the Jedi Padawans will yield to the dark side's allure or maintain their focus on the Force's light side.

Master Beq, along with his dependable droids AD-3 and LX-R5, introduces himself to the competitors on the forested world. AD-3 welcomes the Padawans, joking that she is the only droid that counts. LX-R5 makes a beep, which prompts Master Beq to introduce him. Master Beq informs the Padawans that this is their moment and questions if they are prepared to become Jedi Knights, to which they all respond in unison with a resounding yes.

AD-3 informs the Padawans that it is time to review their data files. Taeho, 13, of the Blue Team, claims that he is incredibly quick and that his 10-year-old sister Hana is incredibly intelligent and capable of developing effective strategies. Hana declares that they will be victorious. Kyan, 10, of the Orange Team, claims to be proficient in upper body strength, while Benji, 10, claims to be proficient with the rim and that they will win. Clementine, 12, claims that they are quite athletic and will win. Oliver, 12, adds that they are extremely competitive and cautions others not to underestimate them. AD-3 reminds the contestants of the Jedi's characteristics, and the contestants repeat strength, knowledge, and bravery.

Strength Trials

Master Beq concurs and clarifies that they will be subjected to a series of trials. The Strength Trials, a Jedi obstacle course that they must complete in order to construct their lightsaber, is the first set of trials. AD-3 clarifies that the Leap and Lift assesses their jumping abilities, the Power Pull assesses their strength, Saber Stability assesses their balance, and the Swing of Strength assesses their swinging and strength. She explains that each obstacle they complete unlocks a piece of their lightsaber hilt. The first two teams to complete every obstacle and collect their hilt pieces will advance to the Knowledge Trial and be one step closer to entering the Jedi Temple.

Master Beq inquires of the Padawans whether they are prepared to put their training into practice. The Padawans shout yes. Master Beq instructs the children to stand on the Jedi platform. AD-3 jokes about Master Beq showing off as he uses the Force to raise floating rocks. Master Beq then commands the three teams to begin.

The Purple Team begins with the Leap and Lift, where they must collect two meiloorun fruits before collecting their hilt pieces. Clementine and Oliver quickly obtain their first hilt pieces. The Blue Team, meanwhile, attempts the Swing of Strength, where one partner must bring a token in order to unlock their hilt pieces. Master Beq reminds Blue Team to communicate. Taeho informs his sister that they require a square. Hana locates the key.

Orange Team attempts Saber Stability, where they must knock over the floating rocks with their training sabers before unlocking their hilt pieces. Master Beq and AD-3 compliment them on their stability. Hana, meanwhile, takes her turn on the Swing of Strength with the assistance of her brother Taeho. Master Beq praises Blue Team for their display of strength. Elsewhere, Kyan and Benji obtain their first hilt pieces, as does Purple Team.

Purple and Orange Team are the first two teams to deliver their hilt pieces to the assembly table. Meanwhile, Taeho assists his sister Hana in crossing the Swing of Strength challenge, earning Master Beq and AD-3's praise. They quickly return with their first hilt pieces.

Purple Team then embarks on the Saber Stability challenge, while Orange Team collaborates on the Power Pull challenge. Kyan and Benji reach the other side and use the token in their backpack to unlock the box containing their second hilt pieces. This earns them Master Beq's praise.

Meanwhile, Taeho grabs a meiloorun fruit as Master Beq praises Oliver and Clementine for their performance on the Saber Stability challenge. Purple Team returns with their second piece, placing them in the lead. Orange Team returns to the start of the Power Pull obstacle course with their second hilt piece. Hana, meanwhile, struggles with the Leap and Lift challenge.

Purple Team sweeps through the Swing of Strength challenge, earning AD-3's praise. Purple Team returns with their second hilt piece, placing them second. Taeho, meanwhile, obtains the second meiloorun piece for his sister, earning AD-3's praise. Oliver and Clementine take turns swinging back on the Swing of Strength challenge, bringing back their third piece and placing them in the lead. Blue Team returns with their second piece.

Orange Team enters the Swing of Strength, while the Purple Team enters the Power Pull and the Blue Team enters the Saber Stability challenge. AD-3 praises the Blue Team for their training saber skills, while Orange Team unlocks the box to their third hilt pieces. Purple Team, elsewhere, reaches the other side of the Power Pull, obtaining their fourth hilt pieces. AD-3 encourages the Blue and Orange Teams, telling them that they are still in it.

Master Beq praises the Purple Team. Orange returns to the assembly table with their third hilt pieces, while the Purple Team returns with their fourth hilt pieces. Oliver and Clementine begin assembling their lightsabers. Blue Team returns with their third hilt pieces, putting them neck and neck with Orange. Oliver and Clementine assemble their lightsabers, earning Master Beq's praise, who informs them that they will be the first to advance to the next trial.

The Blue Team attempts the Power Pull challenge, while the Orange Team attempts the Leap and Lift. Kyan urges Benji to hurry, while AD-3 wonders who will finish first. LX beeps. Blue Team reaches the other side of the Power Pull challenge and obtains their hilt pieces. Clementine encourages the other teams. Blue Team makes their way back, but Hana falls off the sled, alarming AD-3. Meanwhile, Orange Team obtains their last set of hilt pieces from the Power Pull challenge and heads back. Orange Team races back to the assembly table and cheers.

Master Beq instructs them to assemble their pieces. Blue Team also returns, and the two teams race to build their lightsabers. Blue Team is the first to assemble all of their lightsabers. Master Beq announces that the Blue Team will be the second team to enter the next challenge.

Master Beq informs the Purple and Orange Teams that they will be moving on to the next challenge. Beq informs Kyan and Benji that they were so close and that they only missed going to the next trial by a few seconds. He reassures them that their effort was strong and that they should both be very proud, prompting Benji to smile. Master Beq instructs them to return to the Jedi Order to continue their training and wishes them the Force. Kyan states that it was enjoyable, while Benji states that it was difficult but also enjoyable. Kyan believes they did well because they persevered and did not fail any obstacles.

Master Beq informs the Blue and Purple Teams that their journey continues. Master Beq informs AD-3 that the Force is telling him something and that she is "it," but he is unsure what that means. AD-3 grumbles that he knows she is bad at this game.

Knowledge Trial

Story time

Master Beq welcomes Padawans Taeho, Hana, Oliver, and Clementine aboard the Jedi star cruiser Athylia in space. He inquires as to whether they are prepared for their second trial. Beq explains that this will be a knowledge trial and instructs them to listen carefully because AD-3 will tell them a story, after which they must collaborate with their teammate to locate items from the story that they have heard, which will be located throughout the Athylia. The first team to correctly answer five questions will be awarded their holocron, which will be required inside the Jedi Temple. Beq inquires as to whether they are prepared to hear their tale.

AD-3 claims she needs to retrieve the story from her memory banks. The problem with two-headed Troigs is that the heads do not always agree. Consider Durl and Dekk, for example. Durl was on the left, and Dekk was on the right. They were both in charge of the vault at the Golden Rocket Bank on Rook Minor. However, only Durl's voice could unlock the bank vault.

Durl irritated Dekk with his singing, burping, chewing, and foul-smelling lunches consisting of four servings of purple crunch bugs. Not to mention Durl's constant chattering, even when his mouth was full. Durl was the worst roommate in the galaxy.

One morning, Dekk offered Durl a stick of yellow goo-goo-gum, a gum so chewy that it could silence a tauntaun. Durl's mouth was completely glued shut six seconds later. When they arrived at work, their boss instructed them to retrieve a tray of eight precious green info crystals from the vault. Durl was unable to say the password to the data storage unit.

Dekk screamed every possible password in his best Durl impression: "Bill the 79th," "Tatooine 3," "one-two-three-four." Their Gozzo boss grew impatient, striking Dekk's head with his cane for each error, and there were numerous errors. He threatened to fire them if they did not open the vault by the count of three. He threatened to fire them twice even if they shared one body.

Durl quietly mumbled "purple mines." Dekk stared silently and breathed a sigh of relief as the vault opened. Durl claims he was merely pretending his mouth was stuck to demonstrate Dekk still required him. Dekk allowed Durl to sing and eat whatever he wanted from that day forward, even if he preferred to drink mirkwater.

Question time

Master Beq informs the Padawans that each team must select who will occupy the pilot seat and who will occupy the engineer position, searching for clues in the cabin. Beq inquires as to who wishes to be the pilot and who wishes to be the engineer. Taeho volunteers to be Blue Team's engineer and assigns Hana to be the pilot. Clementine volunteers to be the pilot, while Oliver assumes the engineering role. AD-3 dispatches them to their stations. She reminds the engineers to collect items from the cabin and place them on the console, while the pilots must press the correct button in the cockpit. Beq reminds them that they can use their headsets to communicate at any time in order to obtain the correct answers.

Master Beq asks the engineers the first question, instructing them to locate a tile of a troig with the correct number of heads. Oliver correctly selects a tile depicting a two-headed troig, earning Purple Team one point.

Master Beq asks the pilots how many seconds it took for Durl's mouth to glue shut after eating goo-goo gum. Hana correctly answers six, tying the two teams with one point each.

Master Beq announces that the next question is a verbal question that anyone can answer. He inquires of the Padawans as to what the foul-smelling lunch Durl enjoyed chewing was. Oliver correctly selects purple crunch bugs, giving Purple Team two points while Blue Team has one.

Master Beq then asks the engineers the fourth question, instructing them to select a tile representing the objects that Durl's boss instructed them to locate. Taeho correctly selects a tile depicting crystals, tying the two teams with two points each.

Master Beq then asks the pilots the color of the stick of goo-goo gum. Clementine correctly answers yellow, placing the Purple Team in the lead with three points while the Blue Team has two.

Master Beq then asks the engineers to select a tile depicting the object that Durl's boss was striking Dekk's head with. Oliver correctly obtains a cane, giving Purple Team four points. Master Beq reassures Blue Team that they are still in this game.

Master Beq then poses a verbal question, asking whether Durl was on the left or right. Hana correctly answers that Durl was on the left side, giving Blue Team three points.

Master Beq then asks the pilots what color the curried crunch bugs were. Clementine correctly answers that they were purple, giving Purple Team five points.

Master Beq announces that the Trial of Knowledge is complete and that Clementine and Oliver will be going to the Jedi Temple. Clementine states in a follow-up video that she believes they performed admirably and exceeded her expectations. Oliver adds that it feels wonderful to be one step closer and that the previous two steps have been thrilling. It will be incredible even if they do not win.

Master Beq informs Taeho and Hana that he is proud of them, stating that they came close to completing the Knowledge Trial. He believes that after further training at the Jedi Order, they will both become noble Jedi Knights. He wishes them the Force. Master Beq defeats AD-3 to opening the door, much to her annoyance.

Hana states in a follow-up video that the questions were simple but believes the other team entered first. Taeho claims they were not particularly difficult, but they were not paying attention to the appropriate material. Hana states that it was enjoyable overall and that she would do it again.

AD-3 grumbles about Master Beq beating her to closing the door with the button. Master Beq congratulates Clementine and Oliver on completing the Trial of Knowledge. He awards them two holocrons, which emerge from their compartment. AD-3 grumbles that she was going to raise a button for that. He informs them that they will require these holocrons because they are traveling to the Jedi Temple. He instructs them to place the holocrons in their satchels before instructing them to proceed to their seats. Master Beq explains that he has programmed the Jedi Temple's coordinates into the Athylia's navigation system. Beq and AD-3 instruct the Padawans to punch it, and the two raise the hyperspace levers, propelling the ship into hyperspace.

Temple Trial

The Athylia approaches a rocky planet with two orbiting moons. Master Beq welcomes Clementine and Oliver for reaching the Jedi Temple. AD-3 expresses her pride in their accomplishment, while LX-R5 beeps. Beq praises the Padawans for their comprehension of the Force and states that the time has come to put all they have learned into practice. AD-3 instructs them to leave their lightsaber hilts on the Temple Shrine, adding that they are little more than shiny pieces of metal until they collect their crystals.

Beq states that AD-3 is correct and explains that the kyber crystals power their blade. He instructs them to bring their holocrons inside the Temple. Master Beq states that he will use the Force to monitor their progress. He instructs them to be wary of the dark side because it will entice them to take a simpler route forward. He instructs them to choose wisely, as it may clear one path only to make the other more difficult. Beq instructs them to trust in the Force and states that it will guide them. He inquires as to whether they are prepared to trust in the Force. The Padawans respond yes, and he announces that their final trials begin now.

AD-3 encourages the Padawans as they run inside. Clementine and Oliver navigate up the Summit Scramble to the Galaxy Globe, where they must collaborate to match the flashing orbs' correct color combination on the control panel. The two quickly match the colors and then slide down the chute into the garbage masher, where they must collaborate to assemble the correct color code to unlock the doors.

Clementine approaches the console and guides Oliver as he selects the tiles. The two collaborate to locate the tiles. As they go about their task, the dark side voice attempts to entice Oliver into succumbing to the dark side in order to advance to the next challenge. However, the Padawans manage to locate the tiles in time and unlock the door, defeating the dark side.

The Padawans then unlock the next chamber, where they must match all of the power cables to their corresponding power connectors. The two collaborate to match the cables and connectors based on their shapes. As they struggle, Master Beq advises them to focus, orient themselves, and try again. He advises them to trust in the Force, stating that it will guide them. Racing against the clock, the two successfully complete the power cable challenge.

Taking a step back

Clementine and Oliver scale the frigid ridge but run out of time. Master Beq informs the two Padawans that they have run out of time and instructs them to return to the Temple's entrance. AD-3 attempts to reassure the Padawans that they were on the verge of success.

Master Beq states that the power connector chamber is extremely difficult, while AD-3 states that she could not have completed it. LX-R5 beeps. While they may not have succeeded in their trial today, Master Beq reassures them that they are on the right track and that he can foresee them becoming great Jedi Knights in the future. Yoda reassures the Padawans that they will face trials but will eventually become Jedi Knights.

Clementine states in a follow-up video that they underestimated the course's difficulty and that they were progressing rapidly until they began connecting the blocks. She believes that they could have succeeded if they had collaborated more effectively. Clementine believes they did their best and performed admirably. Oliver states that his experience here was incredible, even though they did not reach the end. Clementine concurs, stating that it was an incredible challenge.

Master Beq, AD-3, and Yoda wish Clementine and Oliver the Force always.


