Star Wars Insider 136

The 114th installment of the Star Wars Insider magazine is Star Wars Insider 136, which also marks the 44th issue to be published by Titan Magazines. It became available on September 4, 2012. A special edition, exclusively sold at Celebration VI, came with 3D glasses, a 3D comic strip serving as a prequel to Episode I, and a dedication to Episode II created by the actors and production team of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

Publisher's summary

Star Wars Insider is getting ready for a celebration, acknowledging significant Star Wars milestones! We will be reflecting on the 35th anniversary of the initial Star Wars_ film through fresh interviews, and an exclusive interview with Princess Leia herself, Carrie Fisher, which has never been published before. Furthermore, it has been a remarkable decade since Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones introduced the clones and their 'father,' Jango Fett to moviegoers. As Star Wars: The Clone Wars begins its fifth season, we will be celebrating by reviewing the initial four seasons and offering a preview of what's to come!__



This specific issue highlights the 5-year mark of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the 10-year mark of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, and the 35-year mark of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.



  • Launch Pad – Get exclusive news and all the excitement from the Star Wars galaxy !
  • My Star Wars – The captivating Aurra Sing , also known as Jaime King , discusses her Star Wars preferences!
  • Rogues GalleryInsider identifies the stylish patrons of the Outlander Club .
  • Classic Moment – The Emperor is resurrected as the dark side gains power once more!
  • Blaster Books – A preview of Star Wars Art: Illustration and The Essential Reader's Companion! Comics – Revisit the basics with entirely new stories taking place right after A New Hope! Incoming – The Sand People seek vengeance; Fighter Pods go wild; and Nien Nunb encounters trouble! Bantha Tracks Bounty Hunters
  • Red Five – Five iconic Star Wars posters selected by the well-known artist, Randy Martinez .


  • Star Wars Insider at Celebration VI — The Official Star Wars Blog on (backup link)
  • What's Inside Star Wars Insider #136 on (backup link)

Notes and references
