
A male Snivvian named Takeel, who earned credits as a mercenary and suffered from spice addiction, resided on Tatooine. He and his sibling, Zutton, were regulars at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina. They were both inside the cantina during 0 BBY when Luke Skywalker, a local moisture farmer, and the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi came in.

During his time there, Takeel occupied a table close to the entrance, sharing it with several other individuals. These included Eyvind, the moisture farmer, Het Nkik, a Jawa, and Mosep Binneed, a Nimbanel.


Takeel, a Snivvian with a spice habit, made his living as a mercenary. He and his brother Zutton were often found at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina in Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine. Like most Snivvians, the pair were frequently called "snaggletooths". In 0 BBY, Takeel and Zutton were in the cantina when Luke Skywalker, a local moisture farmer, walked in accompanied by his droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO.

As Skywalker and the droids stood in the doorway of the cantina, Takeel took a seat at a table at the bottom of the steps, across from a human who was already there. The farmer Eyvind then replaced the human Takeel was facing. The two were sharing a drink when the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi stepped in to defend Skywalker from the thugs Doctor Cornelius Evazan and Ponda Baba.

While a group of sandtroopers searched the bar for Skywalker, Takeel observed them passing his table. A Ranat and the Jawa Het Nkik were seated next to Takeel when Han Solo, the smuggler, fired his blaster at Greedo, the bounty hunter. The sound of the blasterfire made the trio quickly look up. The Nimbanel Mosep Binneed then sat opposite Takeel, who then saw Solo leave the cantina.

Personality and traits

Takeel's physical characteristics included light-colored skin, black [eyes](/article/eye], and sparse brown hair with noticeable bald patches.


During his time in Mos Eisley, Takeel's attire consisted of a red tunic worn over a black shirt, paired with brown pants and shoes.

Behind the scenes

Alf Mangan played the role of Takeel in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.

