Tales from Wild Space: The Best Pet

title: Tales from Wild Space: "The Best Pet"

The comic tale "The Best Pet" is one of two stories featured in Star Wars Adventures (2017) issue number 5, released on December 27th of 2017.


The Definition of Cuteness

Emil Graf was aboard the Star Herald located in Wild Space, and he was expressing his high opinion of the appearance of his Kowakian monkey-lizard, named Noni. CR-8R, who goes by "Crater", voiced his disagreement, stating that Noni looked as if she had just been removed from the hull of a starship. Emil Graf then challenged Crater to name a creature that was more adorable than a Kowakian monkey-lizard. Crater began listing various species, but Emil interrupted him when he mentioned "porg", asking what exactly a porg was.

Porg-Caused Chaos

During Rey's Jedi training sessions under the tutelage of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, the Millennium Falcon was overrun with porgs while Chewbacca was in the process of repairing the ship. One porg made its way through the Falcon's ventilation system, only to be startled by R2-D2 when he emerged. The porg then proceeded to the restroom, where it chewed on a toothbrush and consumed toothpaste. Feeling unwell, the porg then drank a cup of water. It also used a brush to scratch its chin and sang while looking in the mirror. The porg created further chaos by disconnecting wires and taking Rey's spanner. Consequently, Rey inquired with Chewbacca whether he had borrowed it. The porg then stealthily moved around Chewbacca and activated the holotable to start a game of Dejarik. This action provoked Chewbacca's anger, but the porg managed to evade him, stealing a package filled with water and pulling out some of Chewbacca's fur. Rey came to Chewbacca's assistance, and together they discovered the porgs asleep in a room surrounded by the stolen items.

Returning to the Star Herald, Emil Graf conceded that Crater was correct and suggested that perhaps they should acquire a porg. However, Noni then spilled her drink onto the screen, prompting Crater to remark that they should not, as they already had Noni.
