Authored by James Luceno, The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse represents the fifth installment in the Star Wars: The New Jedi Order saga. Preceding it was Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial, and it is followed by Balance Point. This novel, part of the Star Wars Legends continuity, was initially released as a paperback by Del Rey on October 3 of 2000.
The New Republic is on the verge of collapse, its resources depleted and its spirit crushed by a succession of devastating defeats inflicted by the malevolent Yuuzhan Vong. While estranged from Han, her husband, Leia Organa Solo is tasked with the heartbreaking duty of evacuating refugees from planets directly threatened by the relentless invaders. Simultaneously, Luke Skywalker faces the daunting challenge of maintaining unity among the disparate Jedi Knights, even as one of their own embarks on a perilous and audacious secret mission.
The Yuuzhan Vong, through their alliance with the unscrupulous Hutts, strategically plant seemingly crucial information for New Republic agents to discover – information that the desperate defenders cannot afford to dismiss, revealing the location of the aliens' next target.
Subsequently, Han Solo unexpectedly finds himself thrust into the midst of a fierce battle, igniting a frantic race against time that will demand every ounce of his skill and cunning to emerge victorious…
Droma and Han Solo are engaged in a search for Droma's relatives across the vast expanse of the galaxy. Concurrently, Leia Organa Solo is dedicating her efforts to rescuing refugees from the clutches of the Yuuzhan Vong. Recognizing the dire need for assistance within the New Republic, Leia seeks support from the Hapes Cluster, endeavoring to persuade the inhabitants of Hapes and its associated star systems to align with the New Republic in the ongoing war. Regarding the Jedi, the tears provided by Vergere to Han and Droma appear to have had a positive effect, at least in terms of suppressing the ailment that is consuming Mara Jade Skywalker.
In a parallel narrative, Wurth Skidder, a Jedi under the tutelage of Kyp Durron, intentionally allows himself to be captured by the Vong to gain insight into their nature. Skidder then forms a bond with one of the Vong's yammosks, the entities responsible for coordinating battles for the Vong's coralskippers. It is also brought to light that Roa and Fasgo are imprisoned alongside Skidder under the supervision of Chine-kal. Fasgo meets his end after the yammosk uncovers Skidder's true identity, resulting in a fatal injury to Fasgo. During Han and Droma's quest to locate Droma's family, they arrive on the planet Ruan. Here, they liberate a group of droids from being destroyed by the Ag Corps as a gesture of appeasement towards the Yuuzhan Vong.
The New Republic attempts to predict the Yuuzhan Vong's next offensive, speculating that it will target either Corellia or Bothawui. Meanwhile, the Vong forge a treaty with the Hutts; however, the Hutts, aware of the Yuuzhan Vong's untrustworthiness, secretly relay information about the Vong's attack strategies to the New Republic. Anakin and Jacen Solo journey to Centerpoint Station to defend against a potential Vong invasion of Corellia. Only Anakin possesses the ability to activate the Station, as he was the one who shut it off previously. When the Vong's next assault finally occurs, it becomes clear that their true target is Fondor, a planet targeted due to its valuable shipyards, catching the New Republic completely off guard. During the Battle of Fondor, the Hapes Cluster joins forces with the Republic to combat the Vong, and the Hutts openly betray the Vong, siding with the New Republic.
Droma's family happens to be present on Fondor at this time, located in an abandoned shipyard, and Han and Droma become involved in the battle. Wurth Skidder perishes during Kyp Durron and Ganner Rhysode's mission to board the Crèche in an attempt to rescue him, Roa, and the other captives. Regrettably, the battle ultimately results in a Vong victory after Thrackan Sal-Solo utilizes a beam from Centerpoint Station to eliminate the Vong, inadvertently destroying a significant portion of the Hapan Fleet. Prince Isolder, who was in command of the Fleet, is disgraced by the Hapans and holds himself responsible after disregarding Leia's warning about a vision of destruction following the Hapans' entry into the war. Sal-Solo is hailed as a hero for driving off the Vong, inflicting substantial casualties upon them. Droma and his family, along with the other refugees, are transported to the planet Duro. It is also revealed that Senator Viqi Shesh of the New Republic is collaborating with the Yuuzhan Vong, receiving a visit from the Vong's own spy, Executor Nom Anor.
- ISBN 9780345428592 ; October 3 , 2000 ; Del Rey ; US paperback [1]
- ISBN 9780345480385 ; March 29 , 2005 ; Del Rey; US paperback, re-release [3]
- ISBN 9780307795526 ; June 28 , 2011 ; Del Rey; US eBook [4]