"Star Wars: Tales of the Empire_" presents its second installment, "The Path of Anger," within its anthology animated series. Steward Lee took the directorial helm for this episode, while Amanda Rose Muñoz penned the script. It was broadcast on May 4, 2024.
The episode commences with an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer, accompanied by a quartet of smaller Venator-class Star Destroyers, drawing near to Coruscant. Onboard the lead Imperial Star Destroyer, Morgan Elsbeth champions her TIE/d "Defender" Multi-Role Starfighter to a group of Imperial Navy officers, highlighting its superior maneuverability, fuel efficiency, and enhanced deflector shields. Moff Isdain voices concerns about the exorbitant costs and questions the practicality of mass production.
Elsbeth counters that her manufacturing hub resides on Corvus, a resource-abundant planet. She emphasizes the Corvus system's wealth in raw materials. Isdain rejects her proposal, stating the Empire's primary interest lies in exploiting the system's resources and that her starfighter concept was never a priority. Isdain advises her to return to Corvus and prepare for the Galactic Empire's resurgence. Elsbeth, though disheartened, remains determined.
Soon after, Gilad Pellaeon, an Imperial Navy officer, commends her work, noting her modifications to the TIE design's engine manifold. Elsbeth explains that the internal twin ion engines lack the efficiency required for the TIE Defender's power demands, attributing it to simple logic. Elsbeth expresses her apprehension that the Empire might pilfer her designs and resources. Pellaeon assures her that he is intrigued by her expertise and ingenuity.
Pellaeon reveals that his superior dispatched him to these gatherings to scout for talent. He then inquires about Elsbeth's motivations for dedicating her abilities and vision to the Empire. She declares it is for the Empire's glory. Pellaeon expresses his gratitude to the Magistrate before departing.
A starship featuring a fixed-wing design touches down in the Corvus settlement of Calodan. Elsbeth disembarks, greeted by several villagers, including Wing, who inquire about the outcome of her mission. Elsbeth reveals the meeting's failure, citing the Empire's sole interest in their resources rather than providing employment and prosperity. Wing challenges Elsbeth regarding her promise that the Empire would improve their lives. She retorts that their village was a mere decaying backwater when she arrived. She reminds them that she constructed their defenses and fortified them to manage their systems.
An Aqualish complains that they allowed Elsbeth to dictate their lives, asserting that their success was earned through their own labor. A woman points out her promises of wealth and their subsequent sacrifices. When the Aqualish accuses Elsbeth of deceit, she responds that everything entails a price. HK-87 assassin droids escort Elsbeth to her compound as the villagers voice their anger and brand her a witch.
Later that evening, Elsbeth expresses her disappointment at the people's betrayal after all she has done for them. She disowns them as her people, deeming them ungrateful. Shortly thereafter, Elsbeth and her HK-87 guard are ambushed by Rukh, a Noghri assassin, who swiftly eliminates the droid with his electrostaff. Elsbeth retaliates with her beskar spear. The ensuing battle unfolds atop the battlements, with neither combatant gaining a decisive advantage.
Below, the villagers observe. A woman suggests summoning the guards, but Wing vetoes the idea. After a prolonged struggle, Rukh disarms Elsbeth. Before he can deliver the final blow, she evades him and deflects his weapon. Reclaiming her spear, she engages Rukh in a second round, knocking his electrostaff from his grasp. Elsbeth demands to know who dispatched him, holding her spear at his throat. Rukh remains defiantly silent.
Pelleaon arrives, complimenting Elsbeth on her combat prowess. He apologizes for the staged attack, explaining that the Empire needed to ascertain her capabilities. Pellaeon dismisses Rukh, who departs with a grunt. Elsbeth questions whether she was being tested. Pellaeon then departs, but not before introducing his superior, Admiral Thrawn. Thrawn reveals that Elsbeth is among the last of the Nightsisters and that he was intrigued by her skills.
Elsbeth offers to demonstrate her combat abilities. Thrawn clarifies that his interest stems from admiration and ambition. When Elsbeth inquires about his identity, he introduces himself as Admiral Thrawn. He explains that Pellaeon had informed him about her presentation and its rejection by Moff Isdain. Elsbeth and Thrawn concur that Isdain is short-sighted. Thrawn characterizes the Empire as a magnificent structure with vulnerabilities. While many of his colleagues focus on grand strategies, they neglect minor issues that escalate into significant problems. Thrawn seeks Elsbeth's assistance in countering the burgeoning Rebellion.
When Elsbeth complains that the Empire is only interested in exploiting Corvus's resources, Thrawn acknowledges this as a lack of foresight. While her designs are ingenious, he concedes that they are not cost-effective. Thrawn asserts that the Empire sacrifices lives for profits, which he predicts will result in a weak and disillusioned military, ultimately leading to decline. Elsbeth questions their concern for Imperial decline. Thrawn retorts that Elsbeth misrepresented her motivation as Imperial glory. He observes that some, like Isdain, are driven by greed, others by power, and all by ambitions of authority.
Thrawn probes Elsbeth's reasons for seeking Imperial favor. Upon hearing the angry clamor of the crowd, Elsbeth declares that she is motivated by revenge. She recounts the genocide suffered by her people years ago, which led to the erosion of their culture and beliefs. Elsbeth states that she seeks power to annihilate their enemies, adding that her anger fuels her strength. She offers this strength to the Empire. Thrawn accepts her proposition.
Observing the three Star Destroyers hovering above, Elsbeth asks if they belong to Isdain's fleet. Thrawn clarifies that they represent a portion of her fleet. Wing and the other villagers interpret the arrival of the Imperial fleet as a sign of Elsbeth's triumph. Elsbeth smiles as she gazes into the night sky.