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Premiering on Disney+ on May 4, 2023, "The Pit" marks the eighth episode featured in Star Wars: Visions Volume 2. This episode is a collaborative effort between Lucasfilm Ltd. and the Japan-based animation studio, D'art Shtajio, with direction by Justin Ridge and LeAndre Thomas.
The episode commences with stormtroopers escorting a group of human prisoners, all clad in yellow overalls, across a desolate, windy desert. Leading the procession is the stormtrooper commander, who employs a scanner to navigate the terrain. The commander halts the prisoners' march and, as the stormtroopers encircle them, uses a remote to release their restraints. Under the threat of blaster fire, the prisoners are forced to excavate the earth.
Using spades and pickaxes, the prisoners dig out a large pit. Later, additional prisoners arrive via transport shuttle. By this point, the pit's depth has significantly increased. The stormtrooper uses a shock collar to coerce a fair-skinned man back to his labor. An older, dark-skinned man and a younger, curly-haired man known as Crux observe the scene with suppressed anger and resentment. A Guaqa tunnels through the earth. Subsequently, a dark-skinned woman with an afro, named Eureka, unearths a Kyber crystal.
The stormtrooper dispatches a probe droid to retrieve the crystal from the woman. The prisoners show great interest in the crystal. The stormtrooper commander and a subordinate examine the kyber crystal, deeming it highly valuable. The commander then orders the prisoners to resume their digging. As time progresses, the mining operation expands, and the Galactic Empire erects a settlement nearby, which evolves into a sprawling city.
As evening arrives, a human man with lengthy dark hair discovers a solid, metallic layer beneath the surface. Concluding that the prisoners have reached the end of their usefulness, the stormtrooper commander unchains them. The prisoners initially celebrate, but their joy is short-lived as the Imperials shut down the camp, abandoning them within the massive pit. The prisoners attempt to climb out, but the pit's depth proves insurmountable.
Eureka questions Crux regarding their next course of action. Other prisoners cry out for assistance, but their voices fail to reach the surface. Inside a tent, a fair-skinned man embraces his child. Later that night, the prisoners gather around a campfire. Crux announces that he has devised a route out of the pit and intends to seek help. The older, dark-skinned man cautions that the journey is fraught with danger and that the city's inhabitants may be unwilling to assist. Another hooded woman suggests that remaining in the pit is the safest option. Undeterred, Crux expresses his belief that the citizens will act justly and follow their inner light.
When a dark-skinned girl called Livy asks Crux to clarify, he explains that everyone possesses an inner light that guides them toward the right path. Crux emphasizes that this light resides within all, including kyber crystals. He shows Livy a kyber crystal and encourages her to use her voice to remind people to follow the light without fear.
In the morning, some children are playing with tools. Livy notices Crux beginning his ascent from the pit. The other people watch with anxiety as the young man climbs the pit walls. Crux barely avoids falling rocks. The Guaqa helps by creating holes, aiding his climb. Crux makes it to the surface and announces to the people that he can see the city and will seek help. Livy smiles hopefully.
Crux approaches Crystal City, a modern, cosmopolitan city populated by various species, including Ithorians, Rodians, Twi'leks, Quarren, and Aqualish. After introducing himself, Crux attempts to communicate with the citizens, but they ignore him. Later, as it begins to rain, Crux ascends a podium inscribed with "Crystal City" in Aurebesh. He informs the citizens that hundreds of people, including children, are trapped in a vast pit on the city's outskirts. Crux reveals that the prisoners, not the Empire, mined the kyber crystals. He asserts that they contributed to the city's construction and are now in need of assistance.
Stormtroopers spot Crux, and he flees into an alley. One of the stormtroopers stuns him with a blaster, while the other declares that there is nothing to see and instructs everyone to resume their activities. The stormtroopers transport Crux back to the pit on speeder bikes. The trapped prisoners watch in dismay as the stormtroopers hurl Crux to his death. Crux screams in terror as lightning illuminates the sky above.
Livy exits the tent, ignoring her mother's instruction to wait. While the other adults wrap Crux's body, Livy weeps in her mother's arms. A despondent prisoner wonders how the citizens will know where to go, Livy remembers Crux's message about following the light. Livy shouts "follow the light" twice. She tells her mother Eureka that the people will follow the light if they tell them.
Eureka leads the prisoners in chanting "follow the light" repeatedly. The prisoners continue chanting through the night and rain. Eventually, the citizens of the city hear the cries of the prisoners and march to the pit. Several stormtroopers form a perimeter outside the pit. The commander orders the civilians to return to their homes and threatens to open fire. The citizens demand answers and push their way past the row of stormtroopers, overpowering them. When a stormrooper asks what they should do, the defeated commander says they should get out of here.
The citizens gather around the pit but back away. Livy and her people are initially despondent, believing that they have been abandoned again. However, the citizens send down a transport which begins evacuating the prisoners. More shuttles arrive and the citizens evacuate all the prisoners from the cave.
Following the evacuation, Livy sits with her mother Eureka aboard their shuttle. She points to the sun but Eureka is too exhausted. Livy clings onto a shard of kyber crystal, which begins rumbling and levitating in her hand. The crystal turns blue. In a post-credit scene, the Guaqa gazes upon a mural of Livy, the late Crux, other prisoners, and their stormtrooper captors, that in Aurebesh says, "THE PIT".