Throne room can be any of the locations listed below:

- The throne room of Mandalore , also known as the Grand Salon .
- Throne rooms belonging to the Emperor : On the first Death Star mobile battle station, designated DS-1. A location on the second Death Star referred to as the Emperor's Throne Room. The Emperor's throne room found within the Imperial Palace located on Coruscant. Another imperial throne room, also situated on Coruscant.
- The Grand Temple's throne room , found on Yavin 4 .
- The throne room inside Jabba's Palace .
- The throne room located in the Pijali palace .
- The throne room within the Royal Palace of Alderaan .
- The throne room of the Theed Royal Palace .
- Snoke's throne room , situated on the Supremacy.
- The Sith Citadel throne room on Exegol , which contained the Throne of the Sith .
- Emperor's throne rooms : The Imperial throne room was present on Death Star I. The Emperor's Throne Room also existed on Death Star II. The Imperial Throne Room was located in the Imperial Palace on Coruscant. The throne room was also present in the Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center on Coruscant. The Throne Room Complex was a part of Mount Tantiss on Wayland. The Imperial throne room of the Dark Empire was situated in the Emperor's Citadel on Byss.
- The Grand Audience Chamber , found in the Great Temple on Yavin 4 .
- The throne room of Jabba's Palace , located on Tatooine .
- Jabba's Throne Room , an Atzerri bar that was designed and named in reference to the location in Jabba's Palace.
- The Throne Room , a hotel found on Gravane station .
- " The Throne Room ," is a piece of music featured at the conclusion of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope .
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