Time Grappler

The Time Grappler, a human inhabitant of Ferrix, performed the daily ritual of marking the start and end of each day. This involved striking a beskar anvil, positioned on top of the bell tower located on Rix Road. Before each strike of the hammer, the Time Grappler would strike dramatic poses as he performed his duty with great respect. To protect himself from the loud noise of the anvil, he wore earmuffs. In 5 BBY, just like any other day, the Time Grappler's morning ringing coincided with the arrival of Pre-Mor Enforcement Corpos on Ferrix, who were searching for Cassian Andor. The inhabitants of Ferrix were not welcoming to these outsiders; their arrival stirred the local population to create a cacophony by striking various metal objects, similar to the Time Grappler's anvil strikes. These tensions escalated into an explosive encounter on Rix Road, which allowed Andor to escape the planet. Ignoring the commands of the Imperial forces that had taken control of Ferrix, the Time Grappler began Maarva Andor's funeral two hours ahead of schedule at midday, forcing a hurried response by the Imperial army troopers present. Following a posthumous speech by Andor that incited the crowd to riot, and a bomb that turned the riot into a bloodbath, the ringing continued. Lieutenant Merzin Keysax ordered a stormtrooper to ascend the tower, seize the Time Grappler, and silence the ringing, but the Time Grappler kicked the stormtrooper off the tower, resulting in his death.

Behind the scenes

Neil Bell played the Time Grappler in "That Would Be Me," the second episode of the 2022 Disney+ series Andor. The character's title was revealed in the show's teaser trailer via closed captions.

