
Tregga was a smuggler of Chak-root origin, a male human hailing from Oslumpex V, during the Galactic Empire's imperial era. In the year 10 BBY, he found himself on the frigid planet of Vandor. It was there, inside the Lodge - a local saloon - that he witnessed the initial encounter between the human outlaws Han Solo and Lando Calrissian as they engaged in a game of sabacc.


Tregga eventually became a familiar face at the Lodge, frequenting the establishment. Over time, he collaborated with Han Solo and Chewbacca on various ventures. He developed a suspicion that Solo was being untruthful regarding his upbringing. Tregga speculated that Han had been raised by nomadic galactic traders, even suggesting Han's presence on Kashyyyk during the Galactic Republic's battle against the Separatists during the Clone Wars, which he believed explained Han's long-standing companionship with Chewbacca. Tregga shared these theories with Midnight, the bartender at the Lodge.

However, Midnight expressed skepticism towards Tregga's conjectures. Midnight's doubt stemmed primarily from Tregga's known reliance on brain implants, which were notorious for generating inaccurate probability assessments. The gamblers at the Lodge had learned to anticipate these errors whenever Tregga was present, a fact of which Tregga himself remained oblivious.

Behind the scenes

Tregga made his debut appearance in the 2018 Anthology film Solo: A Star Wars Story. His identity was first established in the companion reference book, Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, authored by Pablo Hidalgo.

