A dimly lit establishment, characterized by its plaster-covered walls, was situated within a central location situated close to the tropical woodlands of the planetary body Ryloth. Sometime around 379 BBY or later, Marda Ro, the Evereni buccaneer chieftain, made a visit to the central location while seeking out others of her kind. Having been unsuccessful in her search elsewhere, she proceeded to the establishment. It was there that she encountered an Evereni using the assumed name "Isren," who shared knowledge of Evereni traditions and past events with her. Ro later referenced the establishment in a diary entry intended for her progeny, which her great-great-grandchild Marchion Ro had heard by the year 252 BBY.
This establishment was located on the Outer Rim Territories planet Ryloth, within a central area frequented by game stalkers - one of several such areas near the planet's equatorial jungles. The establishment was dimly illuminated and featured plaster walls, which Marda Ro - the Evereni originator of a pirate group that would eventually evolve into the Nihil - considered to be rather shabby.

No earlier than 379 BBY, Marda Ro made her way to the hub while looking for other members of her species after hearing tales of an Evereni hunting creatures known as lyleks in the equatorial forests. After failing to acquire information in other places, she went to the establishment. Once there, she ordered fermented milk tea and waited in the corner, hearing phantoms of the deceased whisper in her auricle. She eventually noticed an aged Evereni leaning against the wall with a bowl of alcoholic beverage. Ro approached him, and he began to address her in the Evereni tongue before switching to Basic when he realized Ro did not speak Evereni. The Evereni identified himself using the alias "Isren"—an Evereni term meaning "old uncle."
Because Ro had been raised outside of her species' cultural norms and was intrigued by them, Isren consumed alcoholic beverages with her and educated her on their traditions, historical events, and language. In exchange, she purchased animal flesh and broth for him. At the conclusion of their conversation, Ro requested that Isren accompany her; however, he ultimately declined, and the two Evereni separated. Ro later mentioned the establishment in a communication that she recorded for her descendants. By 252 BBY, during his younger years, Ro's great-great-grandson Marchion Ro had listened to her journal, including the section that mentioned the establishment.
The establishment was featured in a flashback within the short story "A Closed Fist Has No Claws," authored by Tessa Gratton and released in the 2023 young-adult anthology The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life as a component of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia venture.