Unidentified Chadra-Fan

A Chadra-Fan served within the Sullustan resistance, a rebel group located on the planet of Sullust. On the day the Battle of Hoth took place, a group of stormtroopers boarded its ship, the Keepsake. While they located the Chadra-Fan, it triggered a detonator, resulting in the deaths of both itself and the majority of the stormtroopers.


This Chadra-Fan was a part of the Sullustan resistance, a rebel organization under the leadership of Nien Nunb. This group had journeyed to Sullust to provide assistance to the Cobalt Laborers' Reformation Front before its more militant members were apprehended. The Chadra-Fan was stationed aboard a Corellian Engineering Corporation VCX-150 freighter known as the Keepsake. Following an assault on the Inyusu Tor mineral processing facility, the Imperial Security Bureau connected the ship to the Sullustan resistance. Consequently, a dozen or more stormtroopers were dispatched to conduct a search. The Chadra-Fan concealed itself in a confined space behind an access panel for a conduit. As the stormtroopers searched the vessel, one of them, identified as SP-156, separated from the group to examine the panel. The other stormtroopers aimed their weapons at the conduit, and 156 dislodged the panel with the butt of his blaster rifle. Removing the metal sheet, he exposed the Chadra-Fan to the rest of the squad.

SP-113, the squad leader, questioned the rebel about the whereabouts of Nien Nunb and the other members of the Sullustan resistance. The Chadra-Fan responded that they were in the city, wishing the stormtroopers luck in their search. 113 then inquired about the contacts the Sullustan resistance had on Sullust. The Chadra-Fan laughed, stating that the stormtroopers had instilled such fear in the populace that they refused to offer any assistance. The Chadra-Fan further admitted that the Sullustan resistance was responsible for the attack. Subsequently, it detonated an explosive device, killing itself and most of the stormtrooper squad. 113 and SP-475 were among those who survived.

Personality and traits

This Chadra-Fan was characterized by brown fur and slender legs. They possessed the courage to be among the few on Sullust who actively resisted the Empire. Even when captured, they displayed no fear in revealing the well-known facts about the Sullustan resistance, and even laughed while doing so.


This Chadra-Fan was the owner of a VCX-150 freighter referred to as the Keepsake, which contained more than six rooms. They also possessed a detonator, which they used to end their own life and eliminate the majority of the stormtrooper squad that discovered them.

Behind the scenes

The Chadra-Fan made its initial appearance in the novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, penned by Alexander Freed and published on June 28 2016.

