VCX-150 freighter

The VCX-150 freighter represented a model of freighter produced by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, boasting a design that incorporated more than six distinct rooms. A specific vessel of this type, identified by the registration Keepsake, served the purpose of smuggling essential provisions to Pinyumb, the capital city of the planet Sullust, for the Sullustan resistance rebel faction. This operation was compromised when the Imperial Security Bureau detected the activity, leading to a search conducted by stormtroopers belonging to the Imperial Ninety-Seventh Stormtrooper Legion. During the search, the troopers uncovered a Chadra-Fan rebel concealed on board, who, in a desperate measure to avoid capture, triggered a detonator.


The Corellian Engineering Corporation manufactured the VCX-150 freighter model as a component of the VCX series of freighters. Its design included a variety of rooms, exceeding half a dozen in total. These included spaces such as a cargo bay, sleeping bunks, and a cockpit. Adjacent to the cockpit was a narrow passage featuring an access panel for conduits.


The VCX-150 freighter Keepsake smuggled supplies to Sullust (pictured).

During the period of the Galactic Civil War, which pitted the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire, a VCX-150 freighter with carbon-scored markings and registered as the Keepsake was utilized by the Sullustan resistance. This rebel group, operating from the planet Sullust's capital city of Pinyumb, employed the vessel to smuggle essential goods to the city, encompassing items like food, anti-Imperial propaganda videos, various tools, and medical provisions such as bandages and bacta packs. However, in the year 3 ABY, the Imperial Security Bureau successfully established a connection between the Keepsake and the Sullustan resistance. Consequently, a detachment of twelve stormtroopers from the Imperial Ninety-Seventh Stormtrooper Legion, under the command of trooper SP-113, boarded the VCX-150 freighter while it was docked at the Pinyumb spaceport.

In the course of the search operation, a Chadra-Fan member of the Sullustan resistance was present within the freighter. To avoid detection, the rebel concealed themself within a conduit access point located in the corridor adjacent to the cockpit as the stormtroopers conducted their search. After completing a thorough search of all rooms and discovering the smuggled supplies, the troopers congregated in the confined corridor. There, one of the troopers noticed the conduit access point, leading to the discovery of the Chadra-Fan. Following an interrogation of the rebel, the stormtroopers attempted to apprehend the Chadra-Fan. However, the alien chose to activate a detonator instead, resulting in the death of both the resistance member and the majority of the troopers present.

Behind the scenes

A VCX-150 freighter made an appearance in the 2015 novel titled Battlefront: Twilight Company, which was authored by Alexander Freed.

