During the time of the Galactic Civil War, a stormtrooper of human descent, identified as SP-113, found himself stationed on the planet of Sullust. His duties included participation in an operation aimed at apprehending a smuggler within the confines of Pinyumb. A single week had barely passed following the Chadra-Fan smuggler's suicide that concluded the mission, and he was already ready for duty, unlike other stormtroopers who were still recovering from injuries. It had been conveyed to SP-475 that SP-113 was among the original clone commandos responsible for establishing the Stormtrooper Corps.
In the era of conflict between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, known as the Galactic Civil War, a stormtrooper of human origin, known by the designation "SP-113," served within the ranks of the 97th Legion. He was part of the local Imperial garrison situated in the underground cavern city of Pinyumb. This city served as the capital of Sullust, an Outer Rim planet characterized by volcanic activity and known for its mining and manufacturing industries. 113 was a veteran member of the legion, and fellow stormtrooper Thara Nyende, known as "SP-475," learned that 113 was one of the clone commandos responsible for the genesis of the Stormtrooper Corps.
During 3 ABY, the Sullustan resistance, a rebel group headed by the Sullustan Nien Nunb, was actively causing problems in Pinyumb. They sabotaged the Inyusu Tor mineral processing facility, situated to the north of Pinyumb, near the Inyusu Tor volcanic peak. Following this, Pinyumb was subjected to raids and lockdowns. The Imperial Security Bureau soon identified the VCX-150 freighter named Keepsake as belonging to the Sullustan resistance. A team of twelve stormtroopers, under the command of 113, was assigned the task of boarding and investigating the Keepsake, which was docked at the Pinyumb spaceport. The squad also included SP-475 and SP-156.
SP-113 was equipped with standard stormtrooper armor, which included a helmet with night vision capabilities and a comm system. He also carried his assigned blaster rifle.
SP-113 made an appearance in the 2015 novel titled Battlefront: Twilight Company, penned by Alexander Freed. One of Freed's intentions in writing the novel was to illustrate the dehumanizing aspects of the Imperial hierarchy, particularly in how they treated stormtroopers like SP-113. He chose to depict their treatment under the Empire by having them referred to solely by their operating numbers, drawing a parallel to the treatment of clone troopers.