Thara Nyende, a stormtrooper of human female descent, originated on the planet of Sullust, which was also her homeworld. She was identified by the designation SP-475. Serving the Galactic Empire, Nyende was a member of the 97th Legion, which had its base on Sullust. She apprehended the rebel Hazram Namir after rebels made their way into the city of Pinyumb. However, the rebel operative Nien Nunb intervened during the transport of Namir to the Imperial garrison, rescuing him. During the events of the Siege of Inyusu Tor, Nyende, while in a hospital bed, made an attempt to dissuade the Sullustan personnel from participating in the local rebellion. Despite her efforts, Pinyumb was successfully liberated from the Empire's control.

Born on the planet of [Sullust](/article/sullust], Thara Nyende spent her early years in its capital, Pinyumb. During her teenage years, she was involved in repair work. In 2 ABY, she enlisted in the Stormtrooper Corps of the Galactic Empire. Driven by the prospect of high pay to support her mother, uncle, and cousins, she underwent training as a cadet and subsequently joined the 97th Legion, where she was assigned the designation "SP-475". Nyende's earnings were double that of most workers in Pinyumb. She would occasionally donate supplies to visitors at her uncle's cantina.
One day in 3 ABY, Nyende was in the process of delivering provisions to her uncle's cantina. After completing the delivery, she moved closer to the holotable. She overheard a conversation about the Cobalt Laborers' Reformation Front, a group protesting the Empire's presence on Sullust. As the discussion revolved around the legitimacy of the group's cause, an older Sullustan asserted that the Empire had taken away their freedom. At this point, Nyende decided to leave and proceeded to the Imperial garrison to don her stormtrooper armor.
Approximately three weeks later, Nyende was present during the inspection of her stormtrooper squad. Following the inspection, the lieutenant briefed them about the Cobalt Front, whose protests had resulted in eighty percent of their members being taken into Imperial custody. The lieutenant stated that there was now evidence suggesting the group was attempting to align with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, an armed rebellion engaged in conflict with the Empire. He named several Alliance members with known connections to Sullust, including Nien Nunb, Sian Tevv, and Corjentain Malaqua. As he began to explain the rebels' potential objectives, the lieutenant received reports via his earpiece regarding an attack. The garrison's alarms were activated, and the lieutenant began briefing the stormtroopers on the developing situation.

While more seasoned teams were dispatched to the Inyusu Tor mineral processing facility in response to what appeared to be an act of sabotage, Nyende spent the day setting up roadblocks and searching civilians. In the afternoon, the Imperial Security Bureau issued raid warrants. Upon receiving the signal, Nyende and numerous other stormtroopers surrounded designated areas and conducted searches of civilians. She found no weapons or explosives, only illicit holovids and Cobalt Front pamphlets. Later, Nyende was assigned to guard duty at a tram station alongside stormtrooper SP-156. 156 posed questions to her, which she answered professionally, though she considered them to be beneath regulations.
Once her shift concluded, Nyende returned to her uncle with more supplies to donate. The cantina was filled with civilians who had been displaced from their homes by the Security Bureau. Feeling uneasy about this, Nyende handed over her bag of supplies and started to leave. However, as she departed, she impulsively scanned the crowd for any suspicious items. She noticed fresh supplies that did not originate from her. This observation led her to suspect that someone with greater resources was providing for them.
Nyende reported the influx of supplies she had observed among the Sullustans. As a consequence, her uncle was taken into custody a week later, although no charges were filed. Despite his eventual release, Nyende continued to receive resentful looks from his friends. In the two weeks following the attack, the Empire implemented anti-terrorism measures that increased stormtrooper security in Pinyumb.
Fifteen days after the attack, the Security Bureau targeted a vessel suspected of rebel activity. Nyende and SP-156 were among the twelve stormtroopers dispatched to board it. They quickly entered the docking bay and surrounded their target, the VCX-150 freighter Keepsake. Nyende was the second of eight troopers to board the starship. They then commenced a search of the dozen rooms. The lead stormtrooper, SP-113, ordered all equipment to be secured in preparation for forensic technicians.
156 then moved away from the group and examined a conduit access panel located across the corridor. After studying it briefly, he forcefully removed it with his rifle, revealing a Chadra-Fan hiding within the cramped compartment. 113 questioned the Chadra-Fan, demanding information on the whereabouts of Nien Nunb and the contacts of the Sullustan resistance. The Chadra-Fan claimed to be working alone and stated that Nunb was in the city. 113 ordered the Chadra-Fan to be taken away, and Nyende stepped back as three stormtroopers moved in to restrain the alien. Suddenly, the alien triggered a detonator and set it off. Nyende hesitated and was barely able to turn around before the explosion sent her flying down the boarding ramp.
Nyende was among the minority who survived the explosion. She experienced headaches in the days that followed, but was cleared for light duty within two weeks. On her first day back, 113, who had also survived the incident, approached her in the armory. He reviewed her records and instructed her to return to patrol sooner.
Soon after, Nyende joined a larger group of stormtroopers to oversee the arrival of a transport carrying Imperial reinforcements to Sullust. A member of the maintenance crew claimed it was to oversee a production increase to compensate for a rebel attack on the planet Mardona III. As Nyende observed the reinforcements passing by, a high-pitched whine emanated from her helmet. Attempting to understand her surroundings, she noticed another trooper gesturing behind her. She turned around and spotted a small cam droid. Nyende fired at it three times with her rifle, causing it to fall to the ground. Two stormtroopers inspected the small droid, and 113 commended her for shooting it down.
Over the following three weeks, Nyende worked ten hour shifts. More transports arrived with reinforcements, and the processing facility was operating beyond its capacity. The situation deteriorated further, however. An entire rebel company—the 61st Mobile Infantry—arrived on Sullust and attacked the facility, liberating it within twelve hours. Nyende was assigned to patrol the mountain during the night.
The next day, Nyende was stationed in the security office of Pinyumb Transport Station Four. She briefly removed her helmet to consume a ration when more orders were transmitted through her comlink. The 61st's CR90 corvette, the Thunderstrike, had returned to quickly retrieve them. Nyende crowded into a cargo lift with twenty other stormtroopers, and they ascended to the surface to address the emergency. Upon exiting the lift, they found that TIE fighters had damaged the corvette. Nyende witnessed it plummet to the other side of the mountain, resulting in a large explosion.
As a consequence of the sudden rebel presence, Pinyumb was placed under lockdown, and a massive roundup began. On the second night after the rebels were stranded, they dispatched a scout party to Pinyumb to establish contact with the Sullustan resistance. Nyende soon responded to a skirmish in the city streets. Two rebel scouts were killed, and another, named Hazram Namir, was knocked unconscious under rubble. Nyende's helmet was damaged by a stray shot. She then examined the unconscious rebel, who had been under the rubble for an hour, and decided to take him into custody.
As the stormtroopers transported Namir away on a speeder, Nyende asked him to reveal the rebels' plans. The rebel refused to answer, but before she could continue her interrogation, another problem arose. Nunb, positioned on a rooftop, fired at the stormtroopers, quickly taking one of them down. Namir knocked over Nyende's comrade, and a barrage of blaster shots rained down on the speeder bed, injuring Nyende. The rebel then climbed out and ran towards Nunb, quickly disappearing.
Within minutes, a medical evacuation team arrived and rushed Nyende to the garrison's emergency ward. There, her wound was treated, and she was subsequently transferred to a civilian clinic the following day. Later that day, the Imperial garrison attacked the rebels at the processing facility. Medics at Nyende's clinic began discussing reopening the clinic to civilians. Nyende put on her boots and retrieved her blaster. She left her bed and entered the corridor, where she discovered that one of the medics was talking to Malaqua. She held them at gunpoint to prevent them from conspiring with the rebel again.
Late in the day, Nyende received news that the garrison had been flooded with lava. The rebels on the mountain had defeated the local forces. An uprising led by the Sullustan resistance and the Cobalt Front swiftly liberated Pinyumb. Nyende surrendered to the rebels without resistance. Her uncle was eventually released by the rebels and used his cantina as a distribution point for donated supplies. Due to the large number of Imperial captives, Nyende was assigned to work under the supervision of another worker. She intended to rejoin the Stormtrooper Corps if the Empire returned, but hesitated at the thought of turning her rifle against the patrons at her uncle's cantina.
Thara Nyende made her debut in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, authored by Alexander Freed. According to Freed, in an interview with Daily Dot, Nyende's character was developed through conversations with his editor and individuals at Disney during the outlining phase, who suggested incorporating a "ground level Imperial point-of-view." He described her as the sole instance in the novel where the rank-and-file of the Empire were explored, as the focus was primarily on Imperial higher-ups. Freed also mentioned his intention to humanize stormtroopers through Nyende while simultaneously dehumanizing the Imperial hierarchy, who he claimed treated the stormtroopers similarly to clone troopers by assigning them numerical designations, such as "SP-475," and subjecting them to constant monitoring.