Unidentified Cymoon 1 species

A sentient race, characterized by its pink skin and yellow eyes, dwelled within the scrap heaps of the moon Cymoon 1, situated in the Corellian Industrial Cluster. These beings, classified as a unique species, possessed tentacles extending from various parts of their bodies, some of which functioned as limbs. A group of these scavengers commenced the disassembly of the light freighter known as the Millennium Falcon, while it lay hidden amongst the debris near the Imperial Weapons Factory Alpha. C-3PO, a protocol droid present inside the Falcon during its dismantling, attempted to activate the starships autopilot system. His aim was to retrieve a group of Rebels who had sabotaged the weapons factory. However, the droid discovered that the autopilot was inoperable due to the scavengers' actions. Han Solo, the Falcon's owner, then instructed C-3PO to stop the creatures from further dismantling his ship.

Behind the scenes

The unnamed species made its initial appearance in Star Wars (2015) 1, a comic book with illustrations by John Cassaday and script by Jason Aaron. This 2015 release marked the first Star Wars comic published by Marvel Comics after regaining the license. Cassaday purposefully designed the species considering the costume and makeup limitations present during the Original trilogy filming. He aimed for the aliens to resemble characters that could be portrayed by actors in costumes or puppets, rather than relying on CGI.

