Star Wars #1 represents the debut issue of the Marvel comic book series titled _Star Wars_, launching the initial six-issue story arc known as _Skywalker Strikes_. The narrative unfolds during the period of _Star Wars_: Episode IV A New Hope and _Star Wars_: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, showcasing all primary characters from the original cinematic release. Penned by Jason Aaron and visually brought to life by John Cassaday, it became available on January 14, 2015.
Star Wars #1 depicts the nascent Rebel Alliance attack on the moon known as Cymoon 1. The Rebel contingent—Han Solo, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, R2-D2, and C-3PO—infiltrates a weapons factory with the intention of destroying it; however, their strategy shifts with the arrival of Darth Vader. Skywalker, still under the impression that the Dark Lord of the Sith was responsible for his father's death, seeks to engage him in combat.
This issue signaled the beginning of Marvel's new wave of Star Wars comics, which also encompassed titles such as Star Wars: Darth Vader, Star Wars: Princess Leia, Star Wars: Kanan, among numerous others.
Fresh from their monumental victory—the destruction of the Death Star—Luke Skywalker and the scrappy rebels continue their fight against the Galactic Empire. However, the Empire remains a formidable force! Join Luke, Princess Leia, the smuggling duo Han Solo and Chewbacca, droids C-3PO and R2-D2, and the rest of the Rebel Alliance as they strive for freedom against the sinister forces of Darth Vader and his master, the Emperor. Brought to you by Jason Aaron (Original Sin, Thor: God of Thunder) and John Cassaday (Astonishing X-Men, Uncanny Avengers), this is the Star Wars saga as only Marvel Comics can deliver!
Following the Battle of Yavin between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, where Luke Skywalker annihilated the Death Star, the Rebels leverage their triumph as a catalyst to dismantle the Empire definitively. Concurrently, the Empire aims to secure Jabba the Hutt as a weapons provider, arranging a meeting between an Imperial negotiator and Jabba's representative at Weapons Factory Alpha on the moon Cymoon 1, a part of the Corellian Industrial Cluster. However, the Rebels intercept the emissary's vessel, planning to infiltrate the weapons factory—the galaxy's largest—and obliterate it, dealing another blow to the Imperial war effort.

The hijacked vessel arrives on Cymoon 1, receiving authorization to land at the weapons factory. Imperial Overseer Aggadeen, accompanied by a squadron of stormtroopers and a LOM-series protocol droid, prepares to greet the "emissary." The Imperials, uneasy allies of Jabba's criminal syndicate, and Aggadeen, suspicious of the ship, instructs his stormtroopers to eliminate the emissary at the slightest hint of treachery.
Upon landing, the emissary identifies himself as Han Solo, still posing as an employee of Jabba the Hutt. The Imperials verify his identity and affiliation, escorting him and his bodyguards—Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa in disguise—into the facility, along with R2-D2. In addition to the three Rebels inside, Chewbacca positions himself as a sniper, having arrived aboard the Millennium Falcon, which is under the watch of C-3PO.
Inside the facility, the Rebels are shown the automated TIE/ln space superiority starfighter production line. During the tour, the Overseer clarifies that there will be no negotiation, and Jabba will be compelled to accept the Empire's terms. The Overseer directs them to await the "negotiator" in a conference room, but Solo reveals their true identities as Rebels, demanding the location of the facility's main power core. Initially refusing, the Overseer relents under Artoo's threat of electrocution, pointing them in the right direction before Organa subdues him with a punch.
En route to the power core, the Rebels intend to destroy both it and the entire facility. Solo contacts Threepio for a status report, and the protocol droid confirms that the Millennium Falcon is safely concealed in a nearby refuse field. Solo instructs him to remain on alert, ready to engage the ship's autopilot once the Rebels are prepared to depart. Upon reaching the power core, Organa directs Artoo to infiltrate the Imperial computer and deactivate the core's safety restraints.

As Artoo works on the computer, Skywalker, using his limited understanding of the Force, seeks out any nearby presence. The Force guides him to a cage holding Imperial slaves, where he encounters a guard. The Jedi trainee attempts to use a mind trick, mimicking Obi-Wan Kenobi's earlier demonstration on Tatooine, but fails. Instead, Skywalker activates his lightsaber, severing the guard's hand, freeing the slaves and leading them to the other Rebels.
Artoo successfully deactivates the safety restraints, and Solo sets the power core to overload in ten minutes. Organa expresses her gratitude for his renewed assistance to the Rebellion, especially now that the Empire is aware of his allegiance. As they converse, Skywalker returns with the freed slaves. Solo instructs Threepio to activate the autopilot so the Falcon can retrieve them before the core detonates, but Chewbacca interrupts, reporting the arrival of an Imperial shuttle.
The shuttle carries the Imperial "negotiator:" Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith. Solo advises Chewbacca to stand down and avoid targeting Vader, fearing it will alert the facility, but Organa countermands, ordering the Wookiee to eliminate the Dark Lord. Chewbacca fires, but Vader deflects the shot with his lightsaber. Chewbacca continues firing, and Vader uses stormtroopers as shields. Vader then uses the Force to collapse the structure Chewbacca is standing on, forcing the Wookiee to escape. Vader orders a full alert and senses Skywalker, recognizing him as the one who destroyed the Death Star.

Unable to contact Chewbacca and with the facility on high alert, Solo orders Threepio to engage the autopilot and retrieve them. Threepio has already attempted to do so, but scavengers have begun dismantling the Falcon in the refuse field, preventing the autopilot from functioning. Stormtroopers arrive, forcing the Rebels to fight their way to safety.
The Rebels enter a hangar filled with AT-AT walkers, with Solo intending to commandeer one to escape before the explosion. As they board the walker, Organa realizes Skywalker is missing. He is searching for Vader, still believing he killed his father. As Skywalker approaches Vader, he hears Kenobi's voice from beyond. Skywalker confronts Vader, and Kenobi urges him to flee.
Upon its release, Star Wars #1 became the top-selling comic of 2015, exceeding one million copies sold. This also marked it as the highest-selling comic from any publisher in the past two decades. David Gonzales of Forbes noted that the sale of 1 million copies of a single comic book issue in the current market was "frankly staggering."
- UPC 759606081134; January 14 , 2015 ; Marvel Comics [6]
- UPC 759606085002; May 4 , 2016 ; Marvel Comics; True Believers [10] 00111; Cover A, John Cassaday