During the Sepan Civil War, which pitted the Dimoks against the Ripoblus, an elderly Dimok woman resided on the planet of Kuthard. This crone shared her opinions about the ongoing conflict during an interview conducted in her partially destroyed village. The interview was facilitated by journalists from the Coruscant News Network, a Tynnan diplomat, and Gar Stazi of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force.
On the planet Kuthard, located within the Sepan system, a Dimok woman lived in a village amidst the Sepan Civil War. This conflict, spanning centuries, involved the Dimoks and the Ripoblus, two races belonging to the Sepan species and native to that star system. Having endured war throughout her life and lost her children to it, she had aged into an old crone. When journalists from the Coruscant News Network discovered her in her bombed village, they used a holocamera to interview her. She expressed her deep longing for her grandchildren to experience a world without war.
Following the departure of the journalists, Gar Stazi from the Galactic Alliance Defense Force and a Tynnan diplomat, who had accompanied the journalists, remained. The Tynnan began questioning the crone about her family matters. When the diplomat inquired whether she would relinquish a small portion of her family's land to settle a claim with the Ripoblus, the crone vehemently refused, stating she would rather die. Later, in 137 ABY, Stazi reflected in a letter to Jhoram Bey, Leader of Rogue Squadron, that his encounter with the crone marked the end of his belief in peace, concluding that everyone, including the Dimok crone, was inherently competitive.
The crone expressed a desire to see her grandchildren live in a world free of war, due to her own experiences of living with war her whole life and losing her children to it. However, when the Tynnan asked if she would give a parcel of her family's land to settle a claim, she spat and said she would rather die than give land to the Ripoblus. She also believed that all Ripoblus were thieves and murderers.
The Essential Guide to Warfare, a comprehensive guide dedicated to the conflicts in the galaxy, written by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart and released in 2012, contained the initial mention of the crone.