A drummer, a male human, was employed by the Hutt Clan syndicate in 9 ABY. This clan was led by two Hutt siblings known as "the Twins". He provided musical accompaniment on his drums for the Twins' litter when they went to visit Daimyo Boba Fett to discuss their territorial claims. The drummer also accompanied the two Hutts during their visit to Fett's palace.
The male human served the criminal organization, the Hutt Clan, in 9 ABY. His employers were two Hutt siblings, commonly referred to as "the Twins." At this time, Boba Fett, formerly a bounty hunter, had assumed control over the territories previously held by Jabba the Hutt, who was a cousin of the Twins. As Jabba's relatives, the Twins asserted their rights to his former territories and journeyed to the city of Mos Espa to confront Fett. The drummer marched ahead, providing a rhythmic drumbeat, as the Hutts were carried on a platform by slaves, escorted by the Wookiee gladiator Krrsantan. Fett, who was at the Sanctuary cantina, and the rest of the patrons, were drawn to the sound of the drumming.

The Twins' group halted in front of the sanctuary entrance, with the drummer leading the way. Fett and his guards were awaiting them. After the Twins declared their claim to Jabba's territory, the drummer stepped forward and presented a document for Fett's review. Fett rejected the Hutts' claim, stating that they would have to kill him to take the land. The Twins, unwilling to initiate a war, decided to leave for the time being. The drummer resumed his drumming, waiting for the platform carrying the Twins to turn around before leading the way as they departed.
Krrsantan was dispatched by the Twins to assassinate Fett, but the assassination attempt failed, and the Wookiee was captured. Furthermore, the Hutts decided to leave Tatooine after discovering that Mayor Mok Shaiz of Mos Espa had sided with the Pyke Syndicate, another criminal organization. The drummer accompanied the Twins and their litter as they visited Fett at his palace, which had previously been Jabba's palace. As the Hutts apologized to the Daimyo for the failed assassination attempt by gifting him a rancor and informed him of their departure due to the arrival of another syndicate, the man stood by. Once the conversation concluded, the Twins' litter began to carry them away, with the drummer moving to the front, ready to play his drums.
The drummer's first appearance was in "Chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine," the second episode of the television series The Book of Boba Fett, which was released on Disney+ on January 5, 2022. Murphy Patrick Martin played him.