Unidentified Human Emperor's Voice (Galactic War)

A male Human was chosen by the Sith Emperor of the reconstituted Sith Empire to serve as the Emperor's Voice, acting as a vessel for the Sith sovereign's immortal essence throughout the Galactic War against the Galactic Republic. Following the death of the previous Voice, the Emperor transferred his consciousness into this Human, amassing power on Dromund Kaas, the Imperial [capital](/article/capital/legends] planet. His aim was to execute a ritual using Sith magic, which would allow him to devour all life within the galaxy. Nevertheless, the Jedi Knight, celebrated as the Hero of Tython, successfully thwarted his agent's efforts to initiate the ritual. Consequently, the Emperor utilized the Voice to confront the Jedi in combat when the Knight faced the Sith within the depths of the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas—a confrontation that culminated in the Voice's death.


During 3640 BBY, amid the Galactic War that pitted the Galactic Republic against the Sith Empire, the Sith Emperor found himself confined within his current Emperor's Voice, which served as the physical form for his immortal essence. This predicament arose when the Sith Lord Darth Baras lured the Sith overlord to the ancient ruins known as the Dark Heart located on the planet Voss. The Emperor and the Voss body he inhabited were unable to escape the Dark Heart, due to the Ancient Halls being designed to prevent any Voss from leaving once inside. As a result, the Sith was compelled to battle the dark side entity Sel-Makor for command of the Voice. However, the newest Emperor's Wrath, the Emperor's designated executioner, liberated the Emperor by killing the Voice. Consequently, the Emperor's essence was returned to the care of his loyal servants within the organization known as the Emperor's Hand.

The Emperor leaves his dying Voice.

The Hand then procured a male Human for the Emperor to inhabit as his latest Voice. The Sith ruler then took full possession of this new host on Dromund Kaas, the Imperial [capital](/article/capital-legends] planet. Now at liberty to proceed with the preparations for the dark side ritual through which he intended to devour all life in the galaxy, the Emperor journeyed to the Dark Temple, a Sith structure, accompanied by an escort of Sith and members of the Imperial Guard. Within the Temple's innermost chambers, the Emperor concentrated his power, awaiting the opportune moment to commence his ritual. However, his schemes were disrupted when the Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython intervened, preventing the Emperor's followers from achieving the mass sacrifice required for the ritual. Having learned of the Emperor's location on Dromund Kaas from the fallen Jedi Tol Braga, the Hero resolved to confront the Sith ruler during his weakened state.

As a Republic invasion fleet attacked the Imperial capital, the Hero and a team of allies infiltrated Dromund Kaas and the Dark Temple. Inside the Dark Temple's core, the Emperor's Voice awaited, while the Knight and the astromech droid T7-O1 battled through the Imperial Guardsmen and Sith defending the Emperor. The Emperor utilized his Human host to engage the Knight and T7-O1, conjuring multiple phantom copies of the Voice using the Force to overwhelm them. Despite his efforts, the Jedi emerged victorious from the battle. A greatly weakened Emperor relinquished control of the dying Voice, who had sustained a mortal wound from the Knight's final lightsaber strike, in order to retreat to his true body. As a final act of spite, the Emperor used the Force to cause the Dark Temple to collapse upon the Hero and T7-O1. As the pair escaped the collapsing building, the Voice's body was consumed by a dark side mist and vaporized into dark side energy.

Around 3626 BBY, an imitation of the last Emperor's Voice was recreated inside the mind of Satele Shan, acting as Tenebrae's persona as Vitiate. Tenebrae used this likeness in an attempt to resurrect his deceased spirit.

Personality and traits

The Emperor's Voice

This male Human had pale white, or grey, wrinkled skin and orange [eyes](/article/eye-legends]. When possessed by the Sith ruler, he spoke with the Emperor's own emotionless tone. As the Emperor's Voice, the Human's mind was entirely dominated by the Emperor's consciousness, and the Sith orchestrated every action he took.

Powers and abilities

As the Emperor's Voice, the Human could wield the Emperor's immense Force abilities, including Force powers such as Force lightning and physical illusions.

Behind the scenes

The Voice's original appearance in the game prior to Echoes of Oblivion.

This Human male first appeared as "The Emperor" within Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game created by BioWare and LucasArts that was released in 2011. He appears during the Jedi Knight-class mission "Doomsday" on Dromund Kaas, and his voice is provided by Doug Bradley. However, a message from Servant One of the Emperor's Hand to the Sith Warrior clarifies that the Human male encountered by Jedi Knight players in "Doomsday" is merely a Voice of the Emperor, acquired by the Hand after the previous Voice's demise during the Sith Warrior storyline on Voss. The Human is also featured in the 2012 reference guide titled Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia, in images depicting the Hero of Tython's confrontation with the Emperor on Dromund Kaas.

