A Kel Dor was the proprietor of an orchard, which lay just outside of Dor'shan on Dorin. Dorin is the Expansion Region homeworld of the Kel Dor species. This Kel Dor once met Strono Tuggs, the Artiodac chef, and pledged to supply him with produce from his orchard if the chef ever came to visit. Sometime between 34 ABY and 35 ABY, Tuggs, embarked on a culinary tour of the galaxy in his food freighter, and he did indeed visit the orchard. The Kel Dor was taken aback to see him in the helium-heavy atmosphere of Dorin, but he honored his word. He gave Tuggs items such as zand nuts and fruit harvested from his kand trees. Using these ingredients, the chef crafted Kand and Zand Rolls, and he credited the orchard owner in the recipe for this dish in his third cookbook, The Ultimate Cookbook, released in 35 ABY.
Jenn Fujikawa and [Marc Sumerak]((/article/marc_sumerak) mentioned the Kel Dor orchard owner in their 2023 cookbook, Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook.