Zand nut

The zand nut was a nut variety native to Dorin, a planet situated in the Expansion Region. This world, the homeland of the Kel Dor species, possessed a helium-rich atmosphere. A Kel Dor cultivated zand nuts in his Dorin-based orchard, and he supplied some of these nuts, along with fruit from his kand trees, to Strono Tuggs, an Artiodac chef, during Tuggs's culinary exploration of the galaxy between the years 34 ABY and 35 ABY. Subsequently, the chef utilized these nuts to prepare Kand and Zand Rolls, a type of aromatic bread for which he included the recipe in his third cookbook, entitled The Ultimate Cookbook, released in 35 ABY.

Behind the scenes

Within established Star Wars canon, the zand nut received mention in the 2023 publication Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook, a culinary guide authored by Jenn Fujikawa and Marc Sumerak. The out-of-universe recipe for the bread substitutes chopped pecans as a stand-in for zand nuts. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the zand tree of Dorin was referenced within the Galactic Campaign Guide, a 2003 supplementary material for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game penned by Peter M. Schweighofer and J.D. Wiker and brought to publication by Wizards of the Coast.


  • Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook (First mentioned)

Notes and references
