A bounty hunter of the Kubaz species, who was male, was active in the New Republic era. This Kubaz was in pursuit of a child located on the planet of Sorgan, who was being protected by the Mandalorian (a bounty hunter). The Kubaz had the intent to kill the child, but Carasynthia Dune fatally shot him.
During the Era of the New Republic, this Kubaz bounty hunter was a member of the Bounty Hunters' Guild. Around the year 9 ABY, he was given a tracking fob with the objective of locating and capturing a specific child. The Kubaz tracked the child to Sorgan, a planet where Din Djarin, another bounty hunter known as "the Mandalorian," had taken him. Following the signal from the fob through a wooded area, he located the Mandalorian and the child in a village. As the Mandalorian spoke with a resident, the Kubaz initially aimed his weapon at him, then shifted his focus to the child. However, [Carasynthia Dune](/article/carasynthia_dune], formerly a rebel, approached him from behind and shot the bounty hunter, preventing him from killing the child. After hearing the gunshot, the Mandalorian arrived and turned over the Kubaz's body, discovering and then destroying the tracking fob. Realizing that the Guild was after the child, the Mandalorian left Sorgan.
The Kubaz bounty hunter was seen wearing a black fur coat, complete with a round metal hood. A silver metal mask concealed both his face and snout. His weapon of choice was a sniper rifle equipped with a crosshair that allowed him to zoom in on his targets.
The fourth episode of The Mandalorian, a television series created by Jon Favreau for Disney+, titled "Chapter 4: Sanctuary," featured the Kubaz bounty hunter. It was originally broadcast on November 29, 2019.