A pirate work song told the story of Tak Rennod, a famous pirate commander who was said to have looted the world of At Attin. At Attin, a Jewel of the Old Republic that supposedly had endless credits, was thought to be just a story. However, the pirate Silvo found Tak Rennod's data record and figured out where the hidden planet was. Around 9 ABY, Silvo started singing the shanty during his court case, which made many other pirates join in the song.
The buccaneer song narrated the legend of Tak Rennod, who set off on the ship called Onyx Cinder and disappeared forever after raiding At Attin. The song, written in Galactic Basic Standard with a beat that changed, used a five-line stanza with a strange rhyming pattern. The words repeated the word away once in the second line and used the word did strongly at the end.

By the time of the New Republic Era, Captain Tak Rennod had become a legend among pirates, with a sea shanty telling his story. Known for his brutality, Rennod violently robbed many starships, becoming known as the most feared pirate ever. According to a tale told by the pirate Silvo, Rennod vanished with his whole crew and his ship, the Onyx Cinder, while searching for the treasure of At Attin. Unlike the pirate song, Silvo's story didn't say if Rennod ever made it to At Attin.
About 9 ABY, the story of Tak Rennod really caught the interest of former pirate Captain Silvo. After a revolt where the Shistavanen Brutus took his place, the male was stuck in a jail cell with four children who said they were from the mythical planet At Attin. Curious about their story, Silvo teamed up with the kids and escaped on their ship. As time passed, his research led him to believe that the kids' ship was actually the famous Onyx Cinder. Also, the pirate robot SM-33—who the children had turned back on after leaving At Attin—claimed to have once been owned by Rennod. SM-33 gave more details about Rennod's last days, like how his crew rebelled and he was killed by his lover before crashing on At Attin. The droid also showed them the way to Captain Rennod's Hideout on the planet Lanupa. After Silvo betrayed them, he and the kids split up, and the pirate was caught by his crew to await his trial.

Even though Silvo was first condemned to die, he was given "equal time" to defend himself because of Chaelt's help. She used the Pirate's Code to get Silvo the Right of Last Appeal, and he used that chance to make a speech. His main reason was his strong desire for money. Silvo said that credits were never enough, and he wanted to fix that by finding the legendary At Attin. When he said "Tak Rennod," Captain Brutus stopped him, saying that Tak Rennod was dead. Instead of arguing, Silvo just started singing the shanty. Some crew members joined in, like Kona, Vane, and Pax, with Pax tapping his chest to the beat. But others, like Gunter, didn't sing at all. The singing suddenly stopped at and never was he seen again. So, Silvo asked what the last line was, and the pirate Kona quickly said the ending. Once they remembered the line, the pirates were able to finish the song. When the singing ended, Silvo's death sentence was put on hold until the pirates got to At Attin. Despite Brutus wanting him killed, the prisoner not only avoided death but also took back control of the crew by shooting his replacement.

The pirate song first appeared in "Zero Friends Again," the sixth episode of the live-action TV show Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, which aired on December 31, 2024. The way the song was divided into verses and stanzas was shown in the subtitles made by Disney+.
Bryce Dallas Howard, the director of "Zero Friends Again," said that the pirate song was originally going to be a poem, but Jude Law, who played Silvo, suggested singing it. Law said that shanties were a common thing in pirate stories. Howard and the other show creators really liked Law's idea. That's how the poem became a song in the episode.