Kona, a human pirate, served as a member of Captain Silvo's crew. Around 9 ABY, during the New Republic era, she participated in the boarding of a merchant freighter. After the freighter crew was defeated, Kona accompanied Silvo and the other pirates to a vault, expected to contain credits. However, upon discovering only a single credit inside, Kona and her fellow pirates launched a mutiny against their captain, taking him prisoner and elevating First Mate Brutus to the position of captain.
Though Silvo escaped, he was subsequently recaptured and brought aboard Brutus's frigate for judgement, an event witnessed by Kona and other crew members. Initially, Brutus sentenced Silvo to death, but Silvo delivered a persuasive speech, promising riches and assuring Kona that she deserved command of an entire fleet. Revealing his knowledge of the treasure planet At Attin's location, the former captain then initiated a song about the legendary pirate Tak Rennod, with Kona providing the concluding line. Consequently, Silvo's life was spared, and the pirates set course for At Attin.
Upon their arrival, they found At Attin protected by a Barrier. The pirates then seized the Onyx Cinder, a vessel capable of traversing the Barrier, which was crewed by four children known to Silvo. During the boarding, Silvo killed Brutus and reclaimed his command, instructing Kona and the Gran Pax to capture the children. Aboard the Onyx Cinder, Kona and Pax guarded the children while they listened to a message from their parents. When the children asserted their ownership of the Onyx Cinder, the droid SM-33 intervened, subduing Silvo, Kona, and Pax, and depositing them on the deck of the pirate frigate.
After Silvo coerced the inhabitants of At Attin into allowing the frigate to pass through the Barrier, Kona spearheaded a drop-team in a dropship to round up the planet's citizens. Reporting their success to Silvo, she was cautioned against harming too many prisoners, as they were needed to operate the Old Republic Mint on At Attin. However, after the children and their parents disabled the Barrier, forces from the New Republic arrived in response to their distress call and engaged the pirates. Kona attempted to retreat to the frigate via dropship, but the frigate was destroyed, and the pirates were defeated.

Kona, a human engaged in piracy, was a member of Captain Silvo's, also known as Jod Na Nawood's, crew. She participated in an attack on a merchant freighter during the New Republic era, around 9 ABY. Along with the rest of the crew, she used a drill-tipped boarding tube to cross into the vessel. The Shistavanen First Mate Brutus boarded and eliminated stragglers, while Kona and another pirate used blaster fire to capture the surviving merchants as prisoners.
After the freighter was seized, Silvo joined Kona's group at the merchant vessel's magnetically sealed vault. Silvo asked the freighter's captain to open the vault, but when the prisoner refused, Silvo had him thrown out of the airlock. While pirates used arc welders to cut through the vault's door, Silvo spoke to Kona and the others, admitting that the crew's last few cycles had been difficult but promising that the vault would hold the credits they desired. However, the vault only contained a single credit. Kona and the other pirates, frustrated by the loss of comrades for nothing, drew their weapons and mutinied against Silvo. Brutus was made captain.

Silvo was taken prisoner, but he escaped his former crew, only to be recaptured on the planet Lanupa. He was brought to Brutus's frigate for judgement, and Kona watched as Brutus declared Silvo guilty and sentenced him to death. After Chaelt reminded Brutus that the Pirate's Code gave Silvo the Right of Last Appeal, Silvo defended himself. He reminded everyone of their hunger for wealth and promised to help them generate it.
Silvo approached Kona, admitting his failure and stating that she deserved command of an entire fleet, not just a ship. She agreed but asked what the catch was. He said there was no trick and revealed an Old Republic credit. Vane said that he told the others that the credits he had seen were real, and that he had seen similar credits being carried by a group of children that Silvo had briefly allied with. Silvo then revealed that he knew the location of the treasure planet At Attin, where such credits could be made, but Brutus interrupted, pointing out that Tak Rennod, who Silvo said he heard the information from, was dead.

Silvo ignored Brutus and began singing a chant about Rennod, asking the crew for the last line of the song. Kona provided the line, singing it with Silvo and several other pirates. The pirates cheered as their former captain promised the galaxy, but when his time ran out, Gunter punched him in the gut, and he and Kona took Silvo by the arms and marched him to Brutus. Brutus declared that they would travel to At Attin, but Silvo would still be executed if they were disappointed.
When they arrived at At Attin, the pirates saw that the world was surrounded by a Barrier that killed Gleb when he tried to pass through it in a starfighter. The children that Silvo had previously traveled with arrived alongside the frigate in the Onyx Cinder, a starship previously flown by Rennod that Silvo knew could pass through the Barrier unharmed. Silvo had the pirate crew pull the Onyx Cinder into the pirate frigate's hangar and Kona joined a group of armed pirates who followed Silvo and Brutus to board the ship as it landed.

Kona kept her weapon raised as Brutus went up the ship's ramp first, demanding that those inside surrender. A mechanical arm then descended from the ship and grabbed Brutus. Kona and the others remained at the foot of the ramp and lowered their weapons as Silvo approached Brutus, who the children on the ship were threatening to harm if the pirates did not let them leave. Silvo took the mutineer's weapon and shot and killed him.
In response, Kona and some other pirates aimed their weapons at Silvo, while others were shocked. However, when Silvo asked if anyone wanted to continue following the traitorous Brutus, Kona and the others lowered their weapons. Silvo then ordered Kona and the Gran pirate Pax to board the ship and capture the scared children they would find on board, ordering the other pirates to prepare the frigate to attack At Attin.

Kona and Pax took control of the Onyx Cinder and sat the children around a table as hostages while they stood guard. In the cockpit, Silvo had the droid SM-33 begin searching for what allowed the Onyx Cinder to pass through the Barrier before noticing an incoming transmission. A hologram of the childrens' parents was projected into the cockpit. Kona moved through to watch it, while Pax prevented the children from following.
When the message ended, the child Wim charged into the cockpit to attack Silvo, but Kona grabbed him, and Pax held the other children back with a knife. Silvo ordered Kona to chain Wim up as a hostage for when they landed and, as Kona hauled him away, Wim cried out that the Onyx Cinder belonged to the children, not Silvo. Silvo dismissed this, but SM-33 pointed out that since Silvo was now captain of the pirate frigate, he could not also be captain of the Onyx Cinder according to the Pirate's Code. Wim tried to claim the vessel, but Silvo grabbed him from Kona and covered his mouth, claiming the vessel for himself again. The child Fern then rushed into the cockpit and called "unclaimsies" before claiming the ship, which Silvo disputed as not being how the system worked.

However, calling it "close enough," SM-33 knocked out Silvo and charged Kona and Pax, deflecting their blaster fire with shielded wrists. The droid knocked out the two pirates and dumped their unconscious forms on the floor of the frigate's hangar alongside Silvo. Silvo then awoke quickly enough to re-board the Onyx Cinder before it took off from the hangar and passed through the Barrier around At Attin.
On At Attin's surface, Silvo forced Fern's mother, Fara, to allow the pirate frigate through the Barrier and then contacted the pirate vessel via hologram, ordering Gunter to bring the ship to the planet's surface. Kona and the other crew members on the bridge cheered. Once in the world's atmosphere, the frigate begin firing on the city where the children lived. Kona led one of several pirate drop-teams that launched from the frigate in open-topped dropships and descended into the streets of the city. Upon landing on a suburban street, Kona ordered her team, which included Pax, to begin rounding up citizens, who they planned to have work for them in At Attin's Old Republic Mint. The pirates faced little resistance, making an example of the few armed residents who did fight back.

Kona reported their success to Silvo via hologram, but the captain warned her not to injure too many of the prisoners or damage the mint. After the children and their parents managed to get a message to the New Republic and deactivate the Barrier, a squadron of New Republic starfighters arrived at At Attin and attacked the pirates. Seeing the fighters, Kona and her allies abandoned their prisoners and retreated aboard their dropships to try and reach the frigate; however, the New Republic forces shot down the frigate and defeated the pirates.
Kona joined the rest of Silvo's crew in mutinying against him after several lean cycles and a failed raid, but he caught her attention again with promises of untold wealth and a fleet of ships to command. When Silvo then killed Brutus, Kona initially aimed a weapon at him but soon fell in line under his command to capture children. She had tan skin, black hair, and brown eyes.
Kona wore a weathered trooper armor chestplate and shoulderpads, similar to those worn by Imperial patrol troopers. Her outfit also included gray coveralls, white gloves, a brown belt with a holstered blaster pistol, and gray boots. She had a coil of rope hung from her left shoulder and used a E-22 reciprocating double-barreled blaster rifle in combat. She wore her hair in a ponytail held in place with white ties.

Sisa Grey played Kona in the Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Disney+ series. Her first appearance was in "This Could Be a Real Adventure," the first episode of the show, which aired on December 2, 2024. Her name was not spoken in the episode, but it was revealed in the credits. Bryce Dallas Howard directed Grey as Kona in the show's sixth episode, "Zero Friends Again," which aired on December 31, 2024, and described Kona's armor as an "old-school Clone Wars" design, suggesting that such details made viewers curious about Kona and the other pirates' backstories and helped flesh them out as characters. In the same interview, Howard revealed that the chant that Silvo and Kona take part in was originally just a poem spoken by Silvo's actor Jude Law, but Law suggested that it be changed into a pirate shanty.