Unidentified rebel squad

A rebel squad participated in the Alliance to Restore the Republic's military, known as the army, during the Galactic Civil War against the forces of the Galactic Empire. At some point in time, either during or before the year 0 BBY, this particular squad was assigned to a convoy that was responsible for the relocation of civilians to a clandestine rebel world. The Empire launched an assault on the convoy, resulting in the transport carrying the squad making an escape via hyperspace. The transport's hyperdrive system suffered a critical failure while near the desert planet of Tatooine, causing the damaged ship to crash. The survivors established a temporary settlement at the crash site, only to be attacked by Imperial troops commanded by stormtrooper Captain Terro. The squad engaged Terro's forces as he began to load survivors onto his dropship. During the conflict, the squad received assistance from members of Jabba the Hutt's organization, and together they successfully drove Terro and his Imperials away.

Subsequently, additional forces belonging to Jabba arrived and commenced the process of transporting the remaining survivors using skiffs to Jabba's Palace. Upon arrival at the palace, the squad was presented before Jabba, who declared that they were now in his debt and forced them into a state of servitude. The group first ensured the well-being of the survivors, who were being held in the prison, before embarking on a mission on behalf of Jabba the Hutt. After completing this mission and returning to the palace, they once again checked on the survivors prior to being summoned by Jabba for another assignment. Jabba's smuggling operations were being disrupted by an imperial listening post, so the squad was dispatched to the Great Pit of Carkoon with the objective of obtaining an Imperial code cylinder. At the pit, the group combatted Imperial troops and located a code cylinder on one of the fallen bodies.

Following their successful retrieval of the code cylinders, the squad, accompanied by one of Jabba's bounty hunters, was dispatched to the listening post. As they navigated through the post, the group eventually discovered one of the survivors, who had been captured by Terro, suspended within a bacta tank. After freeing them from the tank, the survivor explained that the rest of the survivors had been taken to Terro's encampment. Proceeding further into the post, the group ultimately confronted and engaged Captain Terro in combat. Upon his defeat, Terro revealed to the group that the remaining survivors were safe at his camp and offered to lead them there in exchange for his life. The rebels accepted the deal, much to the displeasure of the bounty hunter, who then attacked the rebels. Terro assisted the rebels in their battle against the bounty hunter and, true to his word, provided the rebels with the coordinates to the camp. At the camp, Terro explained to the rebels that his motivation for joining the Empire was to safeguard people from criminals like Jabba the Hutt. With Jabba still holding some of the survivors captive, Terro allied himself with the rebels to launch an assault on Jabba's palace and liberate the remaining survivors. Under the cover of darkness, the rebel squad and Captain Terro advanced toward the palace. They employed explosives to create an opening in the palace wall and entered, with Captain Terro spearheading the assault on a dewback. They fought their way through Jabba's guards, advancing towards the audience chamber. Terro split off to the prison to free the survivors, while the rebels confronted Jabba in his audience chamber. After defeating both Jabba and his rancor, the rebels, Terro, and the survivors escaped from the palace on a speeder. With everyone now safe, the squad and the survivors departed from Tatooine.

Behind the scenes

The rebel squad made an appearance in the Star Wars: Imperial Assault companion app titled Legends of the Alliance. The squad's size is adjustable, allowing players to choose between having two, three, or four members. The individual members of the squad are also customizable, with players having the option to select from a roster of twenty-one playable characters. These characters include Diala Passil, Fenn Signis, Gaarkhan, Gideon Argus, Jyn Odan, Mak Eshka'rey, Biv Bodhrik, Saska Teft, Loku Kanoloa, MHD-19, Verena Talos, Davith Elso, Murne Rin, Onar Koma, Shyla Varad, Vinto Hreeda, Ko-Tun Feralo, Jarrod Kelvin, Drokkatta, Wildfire, and Tress Hacnua.

