Unidentified stormtrooper (Mos Eisley)

This stormtrooper was a soldier of the human species, who served the Galactic Empire throughout the duration of the Galactic Civil War. Not long before the Battle of Yavin, this particular trooper was assigned to Mos Eisley, which is a spaceport located on the desert planet of Tatooine.


The stormtrooper was killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi.

During the [Galactic Civil War](/article/galactic_civil_war], this human was a serving member of the Stormtrooper Corps as a stormtrooper. During the trooper's time in service, the Alliance to Restore the Republic managed to steal the schematics for the Galactic Empire's top secret superweapon, known as the DS-1 Death Star Mobile Battle Station. These plans were acquired by Princess Leia Organa, a Rebel, who was then compelled to conceal them within R2-D2, an astromech droid, because her starship was attacked while in orbit above the planet Tatooine. R2-D2 and his counterpart, the protocol droid C-3PO, utilized an escape pod to reach the surface of the desert planet, where they eventually came into the possession of Luke Skywalker, a young moisture farmer.

With the assistance of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Skywalker accompanied the droids to the Mos Eisley spaceport in search of a pilot capable of providing transportation to [Alderaan](/article/alderaan]. While searching Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina, they were approached by the stormtrooper, who requested to see their credentials. Before the soldier could take further action, Kenobi ignited his lightsaber and severed the trooper's blaster. The Jedi then employed the Force to eliminate their opponent by crushing him with a sizable piece of metal, killing the stormtrooper.

Behind the scenes

This stormtrooper's initial appearance was in Star Wars, a webtoon created by Hong Jac Ga and published by LINE Webtoon in 2015. Despite being licenced by Lucasfilm, Jennifer Heddle stated, when questioned regarding the comic's canonicity, that "its canon status is grey area".

