Unidentified Xodlak Patriarch

A Chiss male, specifically from the Chiss species, held the position of Patriarch within the Xodlak family. This family was one of the Forty Great Families that comprised the Chiss Ascendancy during the time of the Nikardun campaigns. From the homestead situated on Csilla, the homeworld and capital planet of the Chiss, the Patriarch oversaw and directed the Xodlak family's affairs.

Xodlak'uvi'vil, who held the title of Councilor in the Redhill province of Celwis, sought to gain the Patriarch's approval for the annexation of a planet. This planet was believed to possess significant quantities of nyix, a valuable metal, which the Xodlak family could exploit. Councilor Xodlak'uvi'vil was of the opinion that the presence of an abundant and undefended nyix deposit warranted the Patriarch's direct involvement.

Ultimately, Senior Captain Irizi'in'daro, whose core name was "Lakinda," commanded a Xodlak task force with the goal of seizing what was thought to be a nyix mine located on Hoxim for the benefit of her family. Despite the mine being a deception, the Patriarch expressed his displeasure with her failure to secure the nyix for the Xodlak. Lakinda, a merit adoptive member of the Xodlak family, feared being removed from the family and rematched to her original family. However, instead, Irizi'stal'mustro "Zistalmu", the Syndic of the Irizi family, offered her a position as a Trial-born within the Irizi, which is recognized as a Chiss Ruling Family.

Behind the scenes

The Xodlak Patriarch received a mention in Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good, a 2021 novel penned by Timothy Zahn. This novel serves as the second installment in Zahn's Star Wars: The Ascendancy Trilogy.

