The Upper Strangled Cliffs represented the highest portion of a set of cliffs situated on the planet Dathomir, and were located immediately above the Strangled Cliffs. This region was home to the hydraatis plant. A number of years prior to the destruction of the Nightsisters in 20 BBY, the Nightsister clan of witches frequented a small area there, utilizing it to practice their magicks. Following the Battle of Dathomir in 20 BBY, Merrin, a surviving Nightsister, went to the Upper Strangled Cliffs to grieve the deaths of her fellow Nightsisters. After the Second Battle of Dathomir in 19 BBY, which resulted in the destruction of their original village, the surviving Nightbrothers constructed a village inside the Upper Strangled Cliffs. During 14 BBY, the Jedi Padawan named Cal Kestis briefly passed through the cliffs on his way to the Brother's Bastion, as he sought to reach the Tomb of Kujet.