
A planet of the terrestrial type, known as Urch, existed in the Urch system within the Unknown Regions. This world was the original homeworld of the Urchiv-ki species and also functioned as the capital for their governing body, the Tower Dimension. Space traffic in Urch's vicinity was controlled by the Urch Planetary and Space Control organization.

The Nikardun Destiny, which represented the ruling authority of the Nikardun people, subjugated the Tower Dimension in 19 BBY. After the Chiss Ascendancy stole one of their frigates, the Nikardun extended an invitation to Boadil'par'gasoi, the Chiss ambassador whose core name was "Ilparg," to visit the Urchiv-ki homeworld. This invitation was a ruse, with the intention of capturing a Chiss vessel as an act of retaliation. Ilparg was dispatched on a diplomatic mission aboard the Nightdragon man-of-war named Vigilant, which the Nikardun, along with their allies the Lioaoi and the Urchiv-ki, attempted to seize. Nevertheless, the man-of-war successfully evaded capture.


Located in the Urch system of the Unknown Regions, Urch was a terrestrial planet displaying a blue-and-white appearance. This planet was situated southeast of the Chiss Ascendancy's territory.


Urch was the original homeworld for the Urchiv-ki, a sentient species, and held the position of capital for their nation, known as the Tower Dimension. The Tower Dimension maintained a treaty with the Chiss Ascendancy, facilitating diplomatic interactions, including formal meetings. In 19 BBY, the [Nikardun Destiny](/article/nikardun_destiny], the ruling power of the Nikardun species, subjugated the Tower Dimension. The Nikardun Destiny's conquest of the Urchiv-ki was motivated by the Tower Dimension's proximity to the Ascendancy, which the Nikardun aimed to destroy. Following the Ascendancy's theft of a blockade frigate from the Nikardun within the Rapacc system of the Unknown Regions, the Destiny sought to capture a Chiss warship as a form of retaliation. They invited the Chiss ambassador Boadil'par'gasoi, whose core name was "Ilparg," to Urch, hoping to seize a Chiss vessel as an act of reprisal.

Subsequently, the Ascendancy dispatched Ilparg on a diplomatic mission to Urch aboard the Nightdragon man-of-war Vigilant, under the command of Admiral Ar'alani. Upon the starship's arrival, Ilparg requested permission from Urch Planetary and Space Control—the entity that controlled space traffic around Urch—to launch his shuttle. However, an Urchiv-ki traffic controller denied the ambassador's request while a Nikardun frigate and seven vessels belonging to the Lioaoin Regime and the Tower Dimension maneuvered to capture the Vigilant.

Despite this, the Vigilant proceeded to navigate through the outer reaches of Urch's atmosphere before successfully jumping to hyperspace. Shortly after his visit to Urch, Ilparg demanded an explanation from the Lioaoi regarding their involvement in the Urch incident; however, they refuted any such involvement.


The Urchiv-ki species originated on Urch, which served as the Tower Dimension's capital.


Urch was home to art galleries that were a source of pride for the Urchiv-ki.

Behind the scenes

Urch made its debut in the 2020 novel titled Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, which marked the beginning of Timothy Zahn's Ascendancy Trilogy.

