Vassal One (Whetstone)

A Kilji known as "Vassal One" served the Kilji nation of the Kilji Illumine as a Kilji vassal, a follower of the Illumine's religious beliefs. In 18 BBY, he served as a pilot aboard Illumine Generalirius Nakirre's Kilji war cruiser Whetstone. While the war cruiser orbited the Unknown Regions planet Zyzek, Vassal One yawed the vessel's rotation to face the Chiss heavy cruiser Springhawk. He later brought the Whetstone to an Unknown Regions star system and the Unknown Regions planet Ornfra.


A Kilji known as "Vassal One" served the Kilji Illumine nation as a Kilji vassal, a follower of the Illumine's Kilji way of order and enlightenment religion. He served aboard the Kilji war cruiser Whetstone, which was commanded by the Illumine's ruler, Generalirius Nakirre, as the war cruiser's pilot. In 18 BBY, the Whetstone traveled to the Unknown Regions' Zyzek system. While the warship orbited the planet Zyzek, the Chiss heavy cruiser Springhawk arrived. After Nakirre's Grysk ally, an operative known as "Jixtus," advised the generalirius not to speak with the Chiss commander, Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo, core name "Thrawn," he ordered Vassal One to yaw the Whetstones rotation to face the newcomer. The vassal complied, and the generalirius spoke with Thrawn. After the ruler's conversation with the Chiss, his cruiser left Zyzek.

"Vassal One" brought the Whetstone to Ornfra (center).

"Vassal One" brought the Whetstone to Ornfra (center).

Promising to answer Nakirre's questions, Jixtus asked the generalirius to bring his vessel to a star system in the Unknown Regions, and Vassal One carried out the Grysk's command under Nakirre's directive. The vassal reported that the journey would take thirty-five minutes; however, Nakirre had his vassal bring the Whetstone to the system in ten minutes. After they arrived at the system, Vassal One called a warning, and Jixtus's FateSpinner flagship appeared in front of the Kilji vessel. The Grysk operative threatened to destroy the Kiljis if Nakirre did not follow his commands, persuading the generalirius to agree to follow the Grysk's every command. After the Whetstone visited the Chiss Ascendancy nation's planet Rhigar, Jixtus instructed Vassal One to take the Whetstone to the Chiss world of Ornfra.

As Nakirre's vassals only followed the generalirius's commands, the Kilji remained silent, prompting the Kilji ruler to confirm the Grysk's order, which Vassal One carried out. Shortly afterward, the Whetstone rendezvoused with Jixtus's fleet in the outer "Sunrise" system, which was located in the Unknown Regions. Jixtus ordered his personal navigator, Pathfinder Qilori, to perform an in-system jump to bring the Whetstone to the planet "Sunrise." Nakirre told his ally that Vassal One could bring them to Sunrise; however, the Grysk insisted that Qilori would do it and the Pathfinder took them to the planet.

Personality and traits

As a Kilji vassal, Vassal One followed Nakirre's every command. When Nakirre commanded him to take the Whetstone to an Unknown Regions star system in ten minutes, the vassal rippled with concern and surprise; however, he still carried out his generalirius's order.

Skills and abilities

Vassal One could perform in-system jumps.

Behind the scenes

Vassal One appeared in the 2021 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, the final installment of the Star Wars: The Ascendancy Trilogy written by Timothy Zahn.






