Vision of the Future

Vision of the Future is a novel from the Star Wars Legends universe, penned by Timothy Zahn. Serving as a continuation of Specter of the Past (1997), it also constitutes the second half of the Star Wars: The Hand of Thrawn Duology. Bantam Spectra initially released it as a hardcover in September of 1998.

Synopsis from the Publisher

The second installment in Timothy Zahn's captivating Hand of Thrawn series, titled "Vision of the Future," follows the Hugo Award-winning author's original, groundbreaking trilogy inspired by George Lucas's iconic Star Wars films. The narrative that commenced in Specter of the Past now reaches its thrilling climax, plunging Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo into the heart of a brewing civil conflict, where they uncover a startling revelation regarding the rumored return of the deceased Admiral Thrawn.

Facing dire circumstances, the beleaguered Empire resorts to desperate measures. By instigating conflict within the New Republic's fragile alliance, remnants of the once-mighty Empire launch a final bid for dominance. They aim to implicate the Bothans in the Caamasi genocide and orchestrate an attack on Han and Leia, falsely attributing it to the Bothans. Success in this endeavor would shatter the New Republic. To avert impending catastrophe, Luke, Leia, Han, and their allies must exonerate the Bothans and expose the Empire's deception, but time is of the essence.

The resourceful Major Tierce collaborates with the ambitious Moff Disra in the Empire's grand strategy. At its core lies a carefully crafted deception: the widespread belief that the legendary Grand Admiral Thrawn, long presumed dead, has resurfaced to guide the Empire toward a prophesied victory. News of Thrawn's alleged return is already galvanizing Imperial forces against the New Republic.

As Leia embarks on a clandestine meeting with an Imperial commander who professes a desire for peace, Han and Lando Calrissian venture into enemy territory to uncover the truth behind Caamas's destruction. Meanwhile, Luke and Mara Jade infiltrate a concealed fortress where Thrawn's most devoted followers await his call to action. Furthermore, Talon Karrde revisits his criminal past, seeking assistance from a ruthless crime lord whose knowledge could potentially save the Republic. However, the most crucial element is the truth surrounding Thrawn. The fate of the New Republic hangs in the balance, dependent on whether he is alive or dead.

"Vision of the Future" stands as a superb conclusion to one of the most captivating, action-packed, and intellectually stimulating Star Wars narratives to date. It is a masterful recreation that embodies the enchantment and adventure characteristic of the greatest science fiction saga ever created.

Synopsis of the Plot

Thirty hours following the repulsion of an assault by an unidentified force, Admiral Pellaeon receives notification from Captain Ardiff that the Chimaera has been fully repaired and is once again operational. Pellaeon reaffirms his determination to maintain orbit above Pesitiin until definitive confirmation is obtained regarding whether New Republic General Bel Iblis received his communication. When Ardiff inquires about the duration for which they can afford to wait, Pellaeon, after considering the matter, decides on an additional two weeks.

Aboard the Relentless, Moff Disra accompanies "Grand Admiral Thrawn" (actually the con artist Flim) and Major Grodin Tierce (who is secretly a former Royal Guardsman) to the Kroctar system, a venture into New Republic territory that exceeds his comfort level. To his utter surprise, the ship receives a hail from Lord Superior Bosmihi, who eagerly requests the Kroctari's reinstatement into the Empire, having closely followed "Thrawn's" return with great enthusiasm and expressing dissatisfaction with Coruscant's perceived lack of attention to their security. "Thrawn" tasks Disra with overseeing negotiations on the specifics with Bosmihi. In private, Disra angrily demands to know Tierce's intentions - even if Kroctar possesses the legal right to secede from the New Republic, such a decision would only heighten the likelihood of Coruscant retaliating against the Empire, a prospect for which it is woefully unprepared. He emphasizes that Tierce is far too skilled a strategist to have overlooked this consideration and must, therefore, have a more significant plan in mind, which Disra insists on knowing. After a moment of contemplation, Tierce confides that during his service aboard the Chimera during the actual Thrawn's campaign against the New Republic, Thrawn alluded to "The Hand of Thrawn" as the crucial element for achieving the Empire's ultimate and complete triumph. Tierce has been unable to locate any mention of this term in any Imperial record and remains uncertain whether the Hand refers to a person, a super-weapon, or a vital piece of information. Nevertheless, he believes that the most effective means of enticing it or its possessor into the open is to disseminate news of "Thrawn"'s return.

Connections to Continuity

Alex Winger, a character previously featured in several short stories by Charlene Newcomb, makes a brief appearance in Vision of the Future. The novel mentions that Winger possesses cybernetic fingers, a detail that Newcomb later expanded upon in the 2009 short story "Shades of Gray."

The Essential Reader's Companion, a reference book from 2012, sets the events of Star Wars: The Hand of Thrawn Duology in 19 ABY, positioning Vision of the Future between the novels Specter of the Past (1997) and Scourge (2012).

Lasting Impact

Vision of the Future concludes with Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade planning to get married; their wedding was subsequently depicted in the 1999 comic book miniseries Star Wars: Union.

Available Media

Various Editions

