Vixoseph I

Vixoseph I, also known as Vixoseph, was a planet situated in Galactic Republic space throughout the High Republic Era. Following an attack by the Drengir, a carnivorous plant species, on the planet's primary colony, Vixoseph I largely became an abandoned world. The emergence of the blight on Vixoseph I was reported after mining droids lost communication and the controlling conglomerate detected indications of the infection. Marchion Ro, the leader of the Nihil marauders, visited Vixoseph during his investigation of the blight, seeking to ascertain if the Drengir's hive mind could be used to replant and spread it. Ro successfully replanted the blight, entering it safely with the aid of the Rod of Power.

In a parallel narrative, a Jedi Order and Republic Defense Coalition team, in their efforts to hunt down Ro, predicted his presence on Vixoseph based on his prior movements and launched a mission to the world. Under the leadership of Jedi Master Avar Kriss, a contingent of Jedi arrived on Vixoseph. Ro, engrossed in his Drengir experiments, deployed a Nameless to confront them. Jedi Knight Vernestra Rwoh, whose Jedi Vector had crashed during a battle with the Drengir, observed one perish as a result of the Nameless's influence. Ro, preventing Rwoh from interfering and realizing the Nameless could influence the Drengir through their hive mind, fled aboard his flagship, the Gaze Electric, taking a blight sample with him. Master Elzar Mann, along with Kriss and Knight Burryaga Agaburry, jointly overcame the Nameless. Subsequently, Agaburry attempted to use the Force to connect with the blight on Vixoseph, sensing a deep feeling of longing for home.

