"What Goes Up...", a short film, represents the seventh installment within the LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars animated miniseries. Its initial release occurred on November 10, 2018, and it was viewable on the Disney XD YouTube channel. Subsequently, this short was incorporated into a larger episode titled "From Trenches to Wrenches: The Roger Story".
The episode begins with Roger giving instructions to three Resistance aviation trainees: one Sullustan and a pair of humans. He instructs them to focus all of their senses on him. He informs them that the task ahead will challenge both their bravery and determination. They are about to discover the essential qualities of a pilot. Roger mentions to the trainees that he has meticulously documented these qualities in his memoir, From Trenches to Wrenches: The Roger Story, which he promotes as being available for purchase on the HoloNet at a very affordable price. The trainees respond with puzzled expressions.
Roger then starts reading aloud from Chapter 317, entitled "What Goes Up." During the era of the Galactic Civil War, Roger's assignment was to visit Maz Kanata's castle for a retrieval mission on behalf of the Rebellion. Roger struggles significantly while attempting to lift a crate, ultimately causing his limbs to detach. Upon inquiring whether the crate contains Jabba's bathtub, Maz clarifies that it is filled with heavy weaponry. She advises Roger not to strain himself, offering to have her associates handle the lifting. Roger declines, asserting that he possesses the ideal tool for the job.
Roger then comes back from the StarScavenger carrying a rocket pack and asks Maz for her opinion on the device. He suggests that it will provide him with the necessary assistance. Roger successfully lifts the crate from underneath using the rocket booster. Maz comments that the feat is impressive for a battle droid, a sentiment with which Roger concurs.
In an attempt to show off, Roger propels the crate into the air but quickly loses control of the rocket pack. The crate crashes down outside Maz's castle, barely missing a pirate. Roger is sent spinning uncontrollably through the air while struggling to regain control of the rocket pack. He flies through the castle, knocking over furniture and disturbing the patrons. The Dowutin Grummgar manages to grab Roger and is about to attack him. However, Maz intervenes, declaring that Roger belongs to her.
Maz informs Roger that he owes her a substantial debt. When Roger suggests paying in installments, Maz clarifies that she expects a single, immediate payment. Maz seizes Roger's rocket pack as payment and then uses it to access the high points on her castle's battlements, which are decorated with flags representing diverse cultures and organizations. Roger struggles to move the crate back to the StarScavenger and is then crushed beneath its weight.
Returning to the present time, Roger tells the aviation trainees that "once you have been up it is hard to come down." Poe Dameron arrives, and Roger returns the trainees to his supervision. Roger offers to read another chapter from his autobiography, but Poe shakes his head in disapproval. Before departing, Roger attempts to promote his autobiography again, describing it as being available at a reasonable price on the HoloNet.