Xi group

Xi group was a designation employed by both the Galactic Empire for their collections of Class-A and Class-B cargo containers, and by the Alliance to Restore the Republic for their Class-E and Class-I cargo containers.

During a Rebel operation to obtain a grain supply after the evacuation of Yavin, pilot Keyan Farlander flying an A-wing investigated an Imperial depot containing the cargo containers of Xi group; he discovered that Xi group did not, in fact, hold grain.

Container group Xi was later a component of a clandestine Imperial weapons research installation that was working on shielding technology. Farlander, piloting an A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter, along with a Y-wing pilot, obliterated Xi group. Located within an asteroid field, Class-A cargo containers Xi 1 and 2, which comprised Xi group, underwent inspection by Farlander, and their contents were transported to the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Stimsenj'kat by transport group Renhoek amidst an Imperial assault.

During the Galactic Empire's hunt for Admiral Harkov, who had defected to the Rebel Alliance, following the Battle of Hoth, Class-E cargo container group Xi held water at a Rebel supply station that was raided by the Imperial Mu Squadron of Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wing pilots, which included Maarek Stele. The cargo containers, including Xi 3, were destroyed in the resulting conflict between Imperial and Rebel forces.

Carrying two TIE/D Defender prototypes each, three Class-B cargo containers from Xi group were brought to Galactic Emperor Palpatine for his review by cargo ferry group Sela.

In a battle that was subsequently simulated for the training of Imperial Missile Boat pilots, the Class-I cargo containers of Xi group that were situated around the Rebel Deep Space Manufacturing Facility Organarms were annihilated by Missile Boat Mu 1.

