
During the Cold War era, amidst the tensions between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire, a Human male named Yils served as the guard captain for the esteemed noble House Alde. Hailing from the planet of Alderaan, Yils, an native of the world, was assigned to the Alde embassy situated within Castle Organa. Castle Organa was the palace of the House of Organa, allies of the Galactic Republic. Despite his position, Yils was unable to prevent the death of Count Alde at the embassy. The Count was murdered by the superweapon known as the Death Mark laser. Following the incident, Yils attempted to detain the witnesses, including a Jedi Knight, their companion, and a Mirialan woman named Aleyna Hark. However, he was eventually persuaded to allow the Jedi to depart.


In the year 3643 BBY, during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, Yils, a Human male from Alderaan, served as a guard captain for the noble House Alde. His post was at the Alde embassy, located on the grounds of Castle Organa. Castle Organa was the ancestral home of the House of Organa, a family that House Alde had supported for centuries. Count Alde was present at the embassy when Aleyna Hark, a Mirialan woman, arrived. She claimed to be from the Mensaav Military Laboratory, the site where the Death Mark laser project was being developed with funds from both the Republic and House Alde.

Hark and Count Alde were in conversation about the Sith capture of the Death Mark laser research facility. During this conversation a young Jedi Knight and a companion arrived at the embassy. They had just repaired the communications relays in the area, which had been sabotaged by forces of the Imperial-aligned House of Thul as part of the ongoing civil war. However, Hark was actually an Imperial spy, and she used the Death Mark laser's targeting device to mark the unsuspecting Count Alde. The laser then murdered Alde in the middle of their conversation.

Yils and his guards rushed into the room to discover the Count dead on the floor. Yils immediately moved to arrest the Knight, Hark, and the Knight's companion. Despite the Jedi's claim that a lightsaber was not used, Yils ordered the three to stand against the wall and raise their hands. When Hark protested that Yils was attempting to arrest a Jedi Knight, Yils responded that he would verify their identities and alibis in the coming days. However, the three managed to convince Yils to let the Jedi leave.

Personality and traits

Yils, with his dark skin, brown eyes, and black hair, was a brusque and efficient police officer. He quickly assessed the situation at the embassy and acted swiftly to prevent the suspects from escaping.


Yils was equipped with blue-and-white armor and carried a blaster rifle.

Behind the scenes

Yils made his first appearance in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game released in 2011 by BioWare and LucasArts. He is a character in the Jedi Knight-class mission "The Death Mark". During his attempt to arrest the Knight, the player is presented with a conversation choice with three options. The neutral option, asking to be released, leads Hark to offer herself in the Knight's place, and the player later discovers that Hark killed Yils and the other guards before escaping the castle. The dark-side option involves the player killing the other guards and defeating Yils, which also results in Yils' death at Hark's hands. However, the third option, also neutral, allows the player to use Force persuasion to convince Yils to release both the player and Hark, preventing Hark from killing Yils. Given that a Republic character, the Jedi Knight, is assumed to choose only the light-side options, this article disregards the dark-side option of attacking, leaving the player's choice and Yils' fate ambiguous for the reader to consider.

