
Yomie, a female Chiss belonging to the Coduyo family, was betrothed to Coduyo'po'nekri. Before commencing their final schooling, she and Yoponek embarked upon a traditional wandering year, opting to explore the expanse of the Chiss Ascendancy. During this journey, Haplif of the Agbui, seeking to study the Chiss with the goal of instigating a civil conflict within the Ascendancy, encountered Yomie and Yoponek. He extended an offer of passage aboard his starship, falsely portraying it as a means to conserve their resources and provide guidance for the Agbui, while his true intention was to gather intelligence about the Ascendancy in order to sow the seeds of civil war. Haplif secured Yomie's agreement to travel with the Agbui by presenting her with a beautiful nyix brooch.

Throughout their travels, Yomie diligently documented observations about Haplif and his people within her cloud diary. Ultimately, Yomie came to the realization that the Agbui were manipulating them and possessed telepathic abilities, which led Haplif to kill her. Haplif fabricated a story, claiming that Yomie desired to remain on Shihon for a number of weeks to observe birds, thereby enabling Yoponek and the Agbui to proceed to the planet [Celwis](/article/celwis], where Haplif intended to further his schemes.


Prior to commencing their final education, Yomie and her betrothed, Coduyo'po'nekri (Yoponek), decided to spend their wandering year traveling throughout the Chiss Ascendancy, as per tradition. With five months remaining, Haplif of the Agbui overheard their discussion about finances and their next destination within the Ascendancy. Eager to gather more information about the Chiss in order to sow the seeds of civil war on behalf of the Grysk "Jixtus," Haplif swiftly offered the pair passage on his starship. He assured them that it would save them money and provide guidance for the Agbui, claiming they were cultural nomads. Yoponek was immediately convinced, but Yomie hesitated. While she was intrigued by the offer when it came to their finances, she wasn't particularly happy traveling with strangers. Ultimately, she was swayed when Haplif gifted her a beautiful nyix brooch.

For the first five weeks, everything went smoothly for the young Chiss. Throughout their time together, the Agbui would attempt to touch Yomie's temples, claiming it was a sign of Agbui friendship. Shimkif, another Agbui on board, managed to touch Yomie's temples a few times, but the young Chiss began to learn how to evade these attempts. However, these touches secretly allowed the Agbui to establish a telepathic connection with those they touched. Problems arose when Haplif learned from Yoponek about Councilor Xodlak'uvi'vil (Lakuviv) on Celwis, whom the Agbui saw as the perfect tool for his plans. He tried to convince Yoponek that meeting with Lakuviv would help the young Coduyo make a name for himself in the Ascendancy. Haplif, eager to meet Jixtus's deadlines, secretly wanted to travel to Celwis immediately. Unfortunately, Haplif had promised Yomie that the Agbui would take her to visit the Grand Migration of birds on the planet Shihon, which would last a full month, and Yomie was determined not to miss a single day. Her dislike for the Agbui and their recurring attempts to touch her temples ensured that Haplif had no chance of convincing her otherwise. Haplif and Shimkif both agreed that they had to do something about Yomie. They first tried a friendly approach, even staging a fake wedding ceremony between them to soften Yomie's heart. However, the young Chiss wouldn't budge, especially after the hyperdrive failed on their way to Shihon, which she believed was just another attempt to disrupt her plans for the Grand Migration. Haplif came to Yomie's room to apologize for the delay, stating that, at worst, she would only be a day late to the Migration. He discovered her cloud diaries, in which she had recorded information about the Agbui. Yomie prevented him from reading anything in there, though.

Even though they were late for the Grand Migration on Shihon, Yomie and Yoponek enjoyed the first three days of bird watching. However, because Shimkif poisoned some of the migration landing fields, the birds changed course and the Grand Migration ended prematurely. Furious, Yomie returned to the Agbui ship, where she discovered two more bird migrations happening on Shihon, specifically one in the Panopyl Mountains. Yoponek was now even more inclined to go to Celwis, but she was able to convince him and Haplif to stay on Shihon for at least a couple more days.

This time, unable to disrupt the migration again, Shimkif succeeded in poisoning Yomie with the help of the venomous greenstripe, incapacitating the young Chiss. Still not ready to give up, Yomie sent Yoponek to watch the birds on the next day on his own, while she remained in her room aboard the Agbui ship. As Haplif tried to convince her that it was finally time to go to Celwis, Yomie tricked him into touching her head while she appeared to be weak. Haplif, not expecting to read any violent emotion by using his telepathy ability, was shocked when he felt her hatred. Yomie, who had already suspected the touches to her and Yoponek's head to be more than just a sign of friendship, realized that the Agbui were telepathic. She then accused Haplif of being responsible for the cancellation of the Grand Migration, and when she threatened him to tell Yoponek that the Agbui had been manipulating him, Haplif had no choice but to kill her. Still needing to use Yoponek as his guide, Haplif claimed that Yomie wished to remain behind on Shihon alone while the Agbui and Yoponek went to Celwis to speak to Councilor Lakuviv. Yoponek was first surprised that his betrothed would go watching birds alone without telling him herself but was also eager to go to Celwis. Haplif was able to convince him of this lie and further cemented his resolve by giving him Yomie's brooch, stating that it was Yomie's promise they would be reunited again. On the way to Celwis, when Yoponek was fast asleep, the ship quickly dropped out of hyperspace to shove Yomie's body out the airlock into the vacuum of space, accompanied by her cloud diaries and any information she had gathered about the Agbui.

Personality and traits

Yomie was reluctant to spend time with non-Chiss, such as the Agbui, or, even worse, to be indebted to them. Within her relationship with Yoponek, she assumed the role of the more practical and decisive partner. She also had an appreciation for exquisite jewelry and demonstrated a keen interest in wild birds. According to Shimkif, she desired extensive travel and a well-balanced family life.

