The Funeral of Etain Tur-Mukan was a Jedi funeral held to mark the passing of Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan. The ceremony was held in 19 BBY, two days after Etain's death on Coruscant the night Order 66 was issued.
Set atop a pyre at Clan Skirata's Mandalore estate, Kyrimorut, Etain's body was cremated in the presence of both friends and family, including her young son, Venku. During the funeral, Kal Skirata, the adopted father of Etain's husband, Darman, reached through the flames to lay his hand on her body, reciting the Mandalorian tradition known as the gai bal manda—"name and soul"—formally adopting her, posthumously, as his daughter. He also placed a lock of her son's hair onto the fire. Following her funeral, her ashes were gathered to be given to Darman, who wasn't able to be present.