Gandris Dyun

In 35 ABY, Dyun rode aboard the Fortitude when it carried the Resistance's landing team for an attack on the Sith Eternal on the planet Exegol. There, Dyun entered the cockpit of the Fortitude just before the transport landed on the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Steadfast. The Resistance then defeated the Sith Eternal and their First Order allies, returning to their base on the moon Ajan Kloss to celebrate.

Co-pilot of Fortitude

Gandris Dyun was a human lieutenant in the Resistance during its war against the First Order. He served as the co-pilot of the YC-123B transport hauler Fortitude under Captain Dreanna Conunda and focused on keeping the transport's defense systems active while she flew dangerous extraction and insertion missions. During missions, Dyun also maintained a wider situational awareness of encroaching threats or enviromental hazards to the vessel, allowing Conunda to focus her attention on finding the safest path to and from their landing zone. The Fortitude had such a successful track record in picking up and picking up soldiers from combat zones that it earned the nicknamed "lucky lander" among Resistance forces.

In 35 ABY, Dyun and Conunda were among the Resistance forces stationed in a base on the moon Ajan Kloss, with Resistance staffers whispering that the pair's relationship went beyond the professional. In that year, the Resistance launched an attack from Ajan Kloss against the Sith Eternal's forces on the planet Exegol, allies of the First Order. The Fortitude was selected to carry the Resistance's landing team for the mission, which included the orbak riders of Company 77, a group of First Order deserters.

Battle of Exegol

During the journey to Exegol, the leader of the landing party, General Finn, took Dyun's place beside Conunda in the cockpit as the transport flew through the Galactic Barrier and remained there once the Resistance's forces reached Exegol. Although the plan was for the Fortitude to land on Exegol's surface so that they could destroy a navigation tower needed to launch the Sith Eternal's fleet, the Final Order, Finn diverted the transport to land on Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Steadfast after the launch signal was transfered there. As Conunda prepared to make the difficult landing, Finn and Jannah, leader of Company 77, left the cockpit to get ready, allowing Dyun to enter from the cabin and take a seat beside Conunda.

The Fortitude's landing was successful, and once the landing crew stopped the launch signal, most of the survivors retreated back onto the Fortitude, which took off from the Star Destroyer's surface. With the aid of the Citizens' Fleet, the Resistance was able to defeat the Sith Eternal and First Order at Exegol, after which the Fortitude and many other vessels returned to Ajan Kloss where the Resistance and its allies celebrated their victory.

Personality and traits

Dyun and Conunda exhibited the chemistry and compatability necessary to pull off the mostly unspoken coordination required by their work. He had light skin and blond hair.


On board the Fortitude, Dyun wore a yellow flight suit under a white vest, a white harness, and a life support system. His outfit also included a pair of gray gloves and black boots. The co-pilot's flight helmet was white with a variety of blue and yellow markings and the lower half of the right face-guard colored red.

Behind the scenes

Gandris Dyun first appeared in the 2019 sequel trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. The character was first identified in the accompanying reference book Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, which was written by Pablo Hidalgo.







